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(2004) From #115 "The Truth About the Truth, Pt. 1" (June 20, 2004) to #156 "Kingdom on Fire" (November 28, 2004)
The third season began with Ryan and Vanessa's wedding. Though the hit Michael placed on Derek ended with Derek's car exploding during the ceremony, Ryan and Vanessa were officially wed. Unfortunately, their honeymoon was interrupted by an earthquake, which induced Vanessa's labor. She gave birth to her child, Eamon Phillips, while still under the belief that it was a child she shared with Ryan -- unaware that seven months earlier, Ryan altered the results of her paternity test with the aid of Michael, the child's true father. Their honeymoon was further interrupted when Alexis, whom Ryan slept with and forced to get an abortion months earlier, showed up sans amnesia and spilled the details of her relationship with Ryan. Vanessa took her child and returned to Marquette Cove, where she had Ryan arrested for statutory rape. Alexis confronted Ryan in prison and professed her love to him, but when he turned violent, Alexis's full memory returned and she went over the edge, believing that Vanessa's child was her own. Alexis kidnapped the child, framing Ryan for the baby snatching.
Zaliphyr found that he was able to possess Antonio for short periods of time, but by doing so he revealed to Vince that Blake resurrected his brother, Michael Thomas, a year ago. Ric and Chris returned to work for Quentin Blood -- Ric after Quentin promised to hook him up with Sara, and Chris after Quentin got Blake released from jail by hiring someone to confess to Damon Johnson's murder. Hugh arrived in town with the secret that Melissa used to be a prostitute and made plans to blackmail her. Duncan arrived in town to the dismay of his brother Joel, who hated Duncan for sleeping with his ex-wife. Joel, under the belief that Duncan also raped and murdered his ex-wife, did everything he could to make Duncan's life miserable. Derek turned out to be alive, after faking his own death at Ryan and Vanessa's wedding, and decided to skip town. Meanwhile, Michael was pleased that he seemingly killed off Derek, much like Derek believed that he had killed his own brother, Sean...except that Michael had faked Sean's death and has been holding him captive in his mansion while reprogramming his memories. After Michael got Felicia drunk and attempted to sleep with her, just as Valerie and Robert arrived to stop them. Valerie shocked everyone by revealing that Felicia was Kevin Hanley's daughter, and therefore Michael's sister. Humiliated, Felicia rushed out of Michael's bedroom and accidentally fell down a flight of stairs. The fall left Felicia barren and Valerie promised to get revenge on those responsible. Meanwhile, Michael blamed Kevin for all of his misfortunes and took Robert to visit him in Fordham Bay. Kevin convinced them that he was no longer concerned with Marquette Cove, since an accident from years earlier had left him on life support. However, once Michael and Robert left, Kevin revealed that he was not on life support and was merely pretending to be weak to give his children a false sense of security before he destroys them.
Joel, Vanessa, Nikki, and Marcus visited Alexis to see if she had kidnapped Eamon. Though Alexis denied it, Joel believed she was lying and called Jamie to have him keep surveillance on her. As Joel returned home, Jamie saw Alexis run off with Eamon and take him to the abandoned church where she had killed Allison. Jamie tried contacting Joel to no avail, and so when Ryan arrived on the scene after being released on bail, he rushed into the church and rescued Eamon from Alexis. Once Alexis was apprehended, Ryan led everyone to believe that he had never slept with Alexis and that she was imagining a relationship with him. Vanessa was reluctant to believe him, but Jamie admitted that the rape charges against Ryan would be dropped. Elsewhere, Joel was unable to answer his phone because he was intoxicated and imagining the presence of his deceased wife, Kelly. Joel assumed she wasn't real, but when Duncan later visited to mend fences with his brother, he was confronted by Kelly who asked him to find her real murderer. Unbeknownst to Duncan, he and Kelly were being watched by a mysterious gloved figure. Jessica broke up with Alec and returned to Vince to console her. Hugh threatened to kill Erin if Melissa didn't pay him, so she stole money from Aaron to do so — unfortunately, Hugh wanted more money. Matt discovered that Ric and Chris were working for Quentin again, and Matt later returned to using drugs. During a week of TV parodies, Alec attempted to reconcile his parents' relationship in a parody of "The Love Boat," which ended in disaster after Felicia discovered Robert's mistress, Melissa, was pregnant with his child. In a "Three's Company" send-off, Vince took Jessica on a date which went awry after he was unable to control his psychokinetic abilities. The evening worsened when Alec showed up with Akilah to make Jessica jealous, and all four parties ended up under arrest. In a "Soul Train" episode, Vince threw a party at the Hanley mansion that ended in disaster when Quentin Blood ordered Erin murdered, and blackmailed Ric into keeping quiet about it. A "Bachelor" parody occured next, where Michael attempted to choose between a relationship with his pregnant ex-girlfriend and the love of his life who turned out to be his sister, while it was revealed that his first wife was still alive and well in England. The parodies ended with a trip from Dr. Melfi of "The Sopranos" as Matt got a little therapy for the recent discovery that he was related to Vince, Akilah, and Alec and that Simon Holden was not his father.
Jessica broke up with Vince after insisting that he wasn't devoting enough time to her, while Alec tried to get back together with her. When Jessica wasn't interested, he went after Akilah who turned him down to return to Matt. When she ran into Matt, recently fired from the Blood organization for his drug addiction, he turned her down because he didn't want to hurt her. Akilah and Jessica both later set their sights on Timothy Black. Ronarr began to finalize his plans to destroy Marquette Cove, with the help of Zaliphyr who had finally taken over Antonio's body. Unfortunately, Vince's powers clued him into this information prompting Ronarr to begin his plans immediately. As he gained his power, the dead of Marquette Cove walked through the town while Sean Moore accidentally escaped from the Hanley mansion. He ran into Robert, but was soon recaptured by Michael and Victor. Later that evening, Vince, Blake, and Julia went to confront Ronarr. Vince destroyed Antonio, Zaliphyr, and Ronarr successfully, but was soon knocked unconscious and possessed by an unknown force. While Julia and Blake attempted to help Vince, they too were knocked unconscious and dragged away. After Alexis was apprehended, Vanessa made the decision to move away from Marquette Cove. Ryan tried to stop her, but she threatened to bring attention to his relationship with Alexis if he didn't leave her alone. That evening, Vanessa boarded a plane to France and left with her sister, Nikki, and brother-in-law, Marcus. Meanwhile, Ryan visited Michael and tried getting him to bring Vanessa back home by blackmailing him with Eamon's switched paternity test results. Michael in turn threatened to have Vanessa and Eamon killed, which prompted Ryan to admit defeat. He paid one last visit to Alexis, now locked away in a sanitarium, before departing Marquette Cove. After the incident with Ryan, Michael headed to Fordham Bay with Victor and Sean. Sean was in possession of new memories and a new name, Simon Price, and he did not remember his past in Marquette Cove. As Michael and Victor left Sean's new apartment, Derek Moore revealed himself as Sean's new neighbor...and he was incredibly shocked to find his brother still alive and well. Valerie overheard Melissa arguing with Hugh and discovered Melissa's past as a prostitute. Melissa threatened to kill Hugh if he didn't leave town, and once she left, Valerie made a proposition to Hugh. She paid him off to leave town and hand over his evidence of Melissa's past to her. Valerie then arranged for Felicia to arrive at Melissa's mansion as Valerie dropped her bombshell. Unfortunately, Felicia arrived drunk at the mansion and passed out before Valerie revealed Melissa's secrets. Once she did, however, Melissa cried out that she was feeling complications in her pregnancy and blacked out. Panicking, Valerie called 911 and claimed she was Felicia before leaving Felicia and Melissa at the mansion. Duncan tried discovering if Arthur Loman, a suspected serial rapist, was responsible for Kelly's rape and murder. When he visited Loman's former home, he was met with a haunted home that flung him from the window. Duncan's memories of the event vanished, and when he returned later, he found Kelly lying on the couch bleeding. He called Joel to come to the home, but when Joel arrived Kelly was gone. Becoming angry, Joel knocked Duncan unconscious in a drunken fit and brought a young woman named Lori to the scene to kill her as well. Joel then prepared to frame Duncan for Lori's murder.
Kelli became suspicious of Chris's secrets, and remembering the gun she found in his bedroom, she followed him on what turned out to be a drug deal. As Chris's former gang, the Vipers, arrived on the scene, shots were fired.