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"Jessica, what's going on?" Kelli cries. "Dr. Collins?" "Please, miss, perhaps you can calm down your friend," Dr. Collins says, sighing. "I have other patients that I need to...see you shortly." Grimacing, Dr. Collins makes a quick exit, leaving Jessica alone with the still shrieking Jessica. Kelli reaches out and grabs Jessica's hand, trying to calm her down. "Jessica, please try to calm down." Still hearing no response, Kelli tries to touch Jessica's shoulder, but Jessica bites at her hand. Crying out loud, Kelli slaps Jessica across the face out of impulse. It startles Kelli momentarily, but once she realizes that Jessica has stopped screaming, she regains her composure. "I'm...I'm sorry I had to do that." "I'm sure you've always wanted to..." Jessica's voice trails off. "That's beside the point," Kelli insists. "Are you okay? Did the doctor tell you something?" "Yes, I have a virus or something," Jessica says, through small gasps. "But that's the least of my concerns right now." "Why? What is?" "I'm pregnant!" Jessica exclaims. Kelli gasps. "Oh my...oh God. And you don't know who the father is?" Jessica turns to glare at Kelli. "What? Of course I know who the father is! I'm not a ho!" "Oh. Yeah, I know that, but...there's Vince and Alec, usually, and you're always caught in the...you know what, it's none of my business." Kelli slowly backs away from Jessica. "It's Alec's," Jessica says softly. "He and I...we slept together at Vince's birthday party. We didn't use protection, it's stupid, I know...and I'm lucky we didn't catch anything or something, but...it was just the once, Kelli. And we were drunk."
Jessica starts to cry. "It was just the once. This wasn't supposed to happen, Kelli. It wasn't supposed to happen."
"I just wanted to give you a heads up, that there's going to be someone staying with us tonight, if that's fine with you," Darren replied. "Blake?" Alec asks. "That's understandable, since the Andersons don't really know that you two are sleeping with each other now. But couldn't you have sent me a text message or something?" "No, not Blake," Darren says. "His name is Jack." "Are you cheating on Blake or something?" "No! Of course not. Jack's just an old friend." "An old friend?" "Well, an ex-boyfriend, to be exact. He stopped by the office today." Alec frowns as their waiter approaches the table, carrying two mugs of coffee. The waiter sets the mugs down on the table. "Would you like anything else?" "No, thank you," Darren answers. "For you, sir?" "No," Alec replies. The waiter nods, but as he turns to leave, he accidentally knocks over Alec's drink. The waiter cries out as Alec leaps out of his seat. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry," the waiter apologizes. "Please, let me clean that up for you!" The waiter removes a towel from his waist and bends over to clean up the spill, as Darren stands up as well. "It's not what you think," Darren whispers. "He's just...he's just a friend. He's dealing with some problems with now that I'm not too clear on just yet, and I think it'd be better if he were able to stay here. At least for tonight." "Yeah, sure, whatever." Alec turns to the waiter. "Hey, never mind getting me a replacement. I'm out," Alec says, grabbing his messenger bag and heading off. Once the waiter finishes cleaning up, he apologizes again to Darren, before returning to the inside of the Café. And as he does, he removes an item from his pocket. An item he had just stolen from Alec's bag...his iPod.
"Quentin is definitely going to get a kick out of this," the waiter intones, sliding the iPod back into his pocket and returning to work.
"I'm glad to be getting out of here so soon," Melissa says, sighing. "I just want to get home and call everyone I know and tell them about the baby." "I wouldn't do that so soon," Aaron insists. "Why not?" "Because, you're still early along, and I don't want to alarm you, but..." "I know, but the doctor didn't say anything about the pregnancy being high-risk." "Safe side," Aaron says. "Well, thanks for your input, Aaron," Robert says. "But we can get along just fine." "I'm sure you can," Aaron replies, still suspicious of where Robert had been while Melissa had gotten into her accident. Robert tries changing the subject. "Speaking of managing, you never told me why you fainted in the middle of the street, honey." "I was startled, I guess, by the guy tailing me, that's all," Melissa insists, deciding against telling Aaron and Robert that she'd seen a dead man driving the car. "Well, I don't want you to be under any more stress, okay? Some time off from work might help." "I'll be fine, Robert," Melissa replies. "But actually, I did think of one thing that might help." "What's that?"
"Well, we're getting married so soon, I was thinking of hiring a wedding planner."
Jack kisses Chris' neck. "That was fun." "Yeah, it was, but let's try to stay focused, all right?" Chris demands. "How did things go with Darren?" "Just fine. He thinks that I'm here because something's wrong with me," Jack replies. "Good. I'm paying you a lot of money to pull this off, and I need everything to go perfectly." "It will, baby." Jack tries kissing Chris again, but he pushes him away. "Don't call me baby. I'm not your baby," Chris snaps. "I'm only interested in Blake, and you know that." "Yeah, sure." "Now...I think it's time we finally decided what it is you're going to tell Darren tonight. You know, about what's wrong with you," Chris says, grinning. "And whatever it is, it has to be the one thing to make Blake stay away from Darren for good." executive producer |
Ira Madison Episode #223 |