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"Thank God," Melissa sighs, as the car speeds past her. As she calms herself down to start her car again, she notices the car has merely parked in front of hers. Melissa scrambles to start her car again, as the driver backs up into car. "Oh God!" Melissa cries, unlocking her car door and hoping to crawl out before she gets hurt. She makes it out of the car and tries to make a run for it, all the while reaching for her cellphone, when she notices the man inside the car. He smiles at her, and she instantly recognizes him. "Victor...Victor Lopez?"
Melissa gasps and drops her cell phone, just moments before she collapses and falls onto the pavement. The driver's smile fades as he pulls off.
"How are you doing?" Kelli asks. "I'm doing fine," Jessica insists. "Which is why all of this is unnecessary. I'm sure whatever tests are being run on me, the doctor's just going to find out that I'm tired and exhausted. I didn't get enough sleep last night." "Uh huh," Kelli says. "You could be really sick, Jessica." "Somehow, I doubt it," Jessica insists. "I guess we'll find out soon enough." "At any rate, thanks for being here for me. I can only think of one of my friends who would do that, and she's halfway across the globe right now." "No problem," Kelli says. "Everyone needs a friend, Jessica. No matter what they've done in the past." As Jessica smiles back at Kelli, Dr. Victor Collins enters the room carrying a clipboard. "Jessica Reyes," Dr. Collins says, not a single emotion readable across his face. "I have some good news for you, depending on which way you interpret it." "I'll take whatever good news I can get," Jessica insists.
"Well, yes, but along with that news...I'm afraid I do have some bad news to deliver."
"Hey," Lori says. Duncan smiles and turns around. "Hey...did you get held up at work?" "Just a little. I had some paperwork to take care of. But I'm here now." Lori and Duncan kiss as Joel Kincaid enters the restaurant and approaches the bar, speaking to a waiter. "I'm here for a pick-up," Joel says. "Kincaid." "Just a moment, sir," the waiter says, nodding before he exits. "Thanks," Joel calls out, noticing his brother and Lori. "Duncan. Lori." "Hey bro," Duncan says. "What's up?" "Getting dinner for me and Julia," Joel replies. "She's staying with me tonight." "I'll let you two catch up while I go to the restroom," Lori says. "Excuse me." Lori exits toward the bathroom, leaving Joel and Duncan in silence for a few moments. "So...how's it going?" Joel asks. "Things are fine, Joel. Thanks for asking." "You know...I wish things weren't this awkward between us," Joel insists. "Well, maybe that has something to do with you running all over town reminding everyone that I've been arrested and did time for twelve years," Joel remarks, taking another sip from his drink. "Do you want a drink? Or are you actually going to start admitting that you have a problem as far as that's concerned?" "Whatever," Joel mutters. "You have a pleasant evening with your nice, innocent girlfriend from Wisconsin. I'm sure she'll be tainted soon enough." Duncan rolls his eyes. "Lori isn't from Wisconsin, she's from New York. She'd never been to the Midwest until she moved here." "That's not what her credit report says." "Her credit...God, Joel!" Duncan cries. "Do you ever stop stalking people?" "I don't stalk. I like to take care of my family members. Even the ones that are pains in the ass sometimes." "You know, thank God Anna had the good mind to move on with her life and start dating that guy from work." Joel frowns. "Anna's been dating someone?" "You didn't know? I'm shocked." The waiter returns, carrying Joel's carry-out.
"Put...put it on my tab," Joel manages to stutter, before hurrying out of the restaurant.
"I think I need something to drink," Gabrielle says. "I'm going to hit up the vending machine." As Gabrielle climbs out of bed and slides on clothes, Robert picks up his cell phone which is next to the bed. It's been turned on silent, and he sees that he has several missed calls from Melissa. Robert erases the missed calls from his phone, but as he does, he receives an incoming call from Aaron Maddock. The phone doesn't ring and alert Gabrielle, since it's on silent. He waits for her to exit the motel room before answering the phone. "Aaron, what's up?" Robert asks. "I've been trying to reach you for the past twenty minutes, Robert, where the hell are you?" Aaron demands. "Working on a case, what's the big emergency?" "It's Melissa, she's at Memorial. I got a call from someone that she was brought in unconscious." Robert's face falls. "Oh God, do you know what happened?" "No idea. Just get here as soon as possible." Gabrielle returns to the room, with a frown on her face. "Sorry baby, forgot to grab my wallet." "Who was that?" Aaron asks, hearing Gabrielle on the other end. "No one," Robert snaps. "I'm on my way." Robert hangs up the phone and breathes a sigh of relief. He turns back to face Gabrielle. "Sorry," Robert apologizes. "I've got to go." executive producer |
Ira Madison Episode #221 |