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"Thank you for agreeing to come here with me tonight," Alec says. "Well, I wasn't gonna pass up a free meal," Akilah insists. Alec frowns. "Uh huh...about that..." Alec opens his own menu. "I thinking seafood," Akilah suggests. "Maybe lobster? Shrimp?" "I'm actually...not with a lot of money right now. Since I'm not talking to my dad." "Oh. Um...that's fine. I was just going to brag to Vince about it anyway, you know, show that he's not the only high roller in our family." "Sorry." Akilah smiles. "Alec, I don't care about any of that. I'm just glad to be here with you. Spending time with a close friend, someone I care about." "Thanks, Akilah," Alec says, taking her hand. "I care about you too." Their waiter approaches the table, smiling. "Are you all ready to order? Some drinks to start you off with?" Akilah shakes her glass of water. "I'm fine with this. But I am ready to order. Alec?" "Uh, yeah." The waiter turns to Akilah. "Ladies first." "I'll have a side salad." "And which entrée would you like with the salad?" Akilah hands him her menu. "The salad is my entrée." "I'll have what she's having," Alec says. "And an order of fries."
Alec smirks at Akilah as the waiter frowns, realizing he's not going to be getting a big tip out of the evening. He takes Alec's menu as well and exits to the kitchen.
"Sure you can stop by," Aaron says. Melissa smiles. "Thanks, Aaron. It's just still a little weird being in that house all alone. It's like Felicia's ghost is haunting it or something." "I know how you feel," Aaron insists. "This mansion is awfully big." "That's what you need a woman for, Aaron. Someone to keep you company. Friends. Anything." "I know, I know." "You know, don't be surprised when I start giving my attractive clients your phone number." Aaron laughs. "Melissa, I can do quite fine on my..." "What the hell?!" "What's wrong?" Aaron demands. "Some guy is tailing me," Melissa says, noticing a nondescript black car in her rearview mirror. "We're practically bumper to bumper." "Speed up, then." "I'm already over the limit," Melissa says, hurriedly. "I have to go. I'll be there shortly." Melissa ends the phone call, and as she does, the black car bumps her own vehicle. Melissa cries out and tries to keep her eyes on the road while also glaring at the rearview mirror.
"What the hell is wrong with this guy?"
"That was honestly the best sex I've ever had," Robert insists. "Hands down." "I'll bet you say that to every woman you pick up in a bar," Gabrielle says, cautiously sitting in the chair across from the bed. "You know, this was only supposed to happen that once." "Consider it fate." "Or lack of a strong will." "Ah, dios mio." Gabrielle laughs and approaches the bed, climbing into Robert's lap and kissing him. "I should leave."
"No, my Latin lover," Robert says, leaning back onto the bed and bringing Gabrielle with him. "Not just yet."
"Good. Keep tailing that bitch. Run her off the road if you want to," Valerie says. She hesitates momentarily after her last comment, and then she corrects herself, "Well, no...don't do that. It wouldn't help matters." Felicia Bale enters the room and smiles at her sister, but Valerie is too engrossed in her conversation to notice. "Are you always working, Valerie?" Felicia demands. "Huh?" Valerie snaps to attention, now noticing Felicia. She whispers into the phone receiver, "I have to go." Valerie hangs up the phone. "Yes, you know, always someone needing my approval on something or other. What can I do for you?" "Sara and I were going to make dinner," Felicia says. "We have someone to do that, Felicia." "Just trying to be helpful." "I'm the one who needs to be helpful. Just sit down and enjoy the precious few moments of you not having to stare at that bastard of a husband of yours," Valerie insists. "Well, now our marriage isn't even recognized by the courts," Felicia says. "An annulment. Do you realize that makes the past twenty years of my life worthless?" "It's better that way, I'm sure." "Valerie, please," Felicia snaps. "Alec came out of that marriage. He's not even...he refuses to deal with it. With any of us...and Robert...he asked me over the other night. He was drunk. Apologetic." "He's a child, Felicia," Valerie says. "He doesn't even want Melissa either, it's all about the sex and the chase and the game or what the hell ever. He was probably just hoping you'd give it up to him and I certainly hope you had better self-respect than that." "I did!" Felicia cries. "I didn't even have a drink, either." "I wasn't accusing you of that," Valerie replies. "At any rate. I didn't."
"Good. Then that puts you more than a step above his latest conquest."
But, of course, there was always still time for the special things in life. "Yes, I'd like to confirm a delivery of a dozen roses to 765 West Peyton Drive," Michael says. "To a Leslie Moore." "Excuse me?" Michael looks up at notices Vincent Moore standing in the doorway. "Pardon me," Michael says, speaking into the phone receiver. He lowers it and stares at Vince. "What do you want, Vincent?" "Are you delivering roses to my mother?" "Yes," Michael says. "Any particular reason?" Vince demands. "Not that it's any of your business, but it's to celebrate your mother's promotion," Michael says. "The dinner celebration of which you ruined, if I recall correctly?" "My mother tell you about that?" "Yes, she did," Michael says. "Now, if you'll excuse me." Vince angrily storms over to the desk and hangs up the phone. "Why are you spending so much time with my mom? And why are you being so nice to her all of a sudden?" "Because you are very important to me, Vincent," Michael says, setting down the receiver. "I care about you, and as a result, your family. I am attempting to put our bad blood behind us, and forget about the rivalry I had with your father. Now, I know how broken up you were when –" "No, I wasn't," Vince insists. "I didn't cry when my father died." "Oh?" "No. I couldn't. I only wanted...I only wanted to find out who did it. I was resolved. To find the person who killed him." "And you did. And he's dead now, Vincent. I am not your enemy, I hope you know that." Vince sighs. "I know. I'm just...It's a lot to take in. Even still." Vince backs away from the desk. "I should go." "I'll see you at dinner," Michael says. "Right." Vince turns and exits the study as Michael's smile turns into a glare. executive producer |
Ira Madison Episode #220 |