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CHRIS: Vince. What do you want? VINCE: I’m doing some charity work. CHRIS: Charity work? VINCE: Yeah. You know, since you don’t have any friends anymore. I’m going to sit with you at lunch. Chris glares at Vince. CHRIS: I have friends. VINCE: Oh. I’m sorry...I didn’t know they were the imaginary kind. I feel so embarrassed. CHRIS: Get lost, Vince. VINCE: No, really. How about we invite Blake over to meet some of your friends? Maybe Kelli? CHRIS: Vince. VINCE: All right, I’m done. Have fun. CHRIS: You know, with all the shit you’ve pulled lately, I’m surprised you have any friends. VINCE: Well, no, I’m not very close to Alec or Kelli any more. But I’ve gotten some new friends over the past year. Blake, in particular, I might add. Chris doesn’t respond. VINCE: Have a good day, Chris.
Vince exits.
MATT: Hey. AKILAH: [Whispering] Matt! What do you want? MATT: Why are you whispering? AKILAH: We’re in a library! Everyone turns to glance at Akilah again, then returns to what they’d been doing. MATT: Way to go, lady. AKILAH: What do you want, Matt? MATT: I just saw you in the stacks and thought I’d say hi. AKILAH: Well, you’ve said it. MATT: Why are you so mean? AKILAH: I don’t know, maybe it has something to do with you breaking up with me and being a general all-around jerk to anyone who comes in contact with you? MATT: Is that what this is about? AKILAH: No, this is just one of the many...look, Matt, I’m busy. MATT: This is about the last kiss we had, isn’t it? It wasn’t good enough? AKILAH: What? MATT: Here, I can fix that. Matt kisses Akilah, causing her to drop her book. Akilah pulls away from Matt and slaps him. AKILAH: God, I can smell the pot on your breath, Matt. MATT: Akilah, I – AKILAH: Do me a favor and spare me your wounded little rich boy with real life problems act, okay? I already get enough of that from my stupid brother. Akilah picks up her book and exits.
MATT: Hey! Who are you calling little?!
DARREN: No, go ahead and take the day off, Uncle Robert. You and Melissa. I’ll just work here by myself all day and have a grand old time. Darren rolls his eyes and exits the office, hearing someone entering through the front lobby door. He enters the lobby. DARREN: Sorry, we’re closed for the – oh my God. What are you doing here? The man standing in the lobby smiles at Darren. His name is Jack Atlas. DARREN: Jack! What are you doing here? JACK: I came to town to see you. DARREN: See me? JACK: Yes, I came to see how. God, how long has it been? DARREN: It’s been a little over a year... JACK: And I’ve missed you. DARREN: Jack, there’s something I need to – Jack ignores Darren and steps forward, kissing him. After a few seconds, Jack pulls away and smiles again.
DARREN: Tell you...
KELLI: Hey Jessica. JESSICA: [Beat] Hey Kelli. KELLI: You know, you don’t have to be afraid to talk to me. It’s a new school year. All of that crap from last year, I’ve forgotten about it. JESSICA: Seriously? KELLI: Yes. Seriously. I mean, Vince is out of both of ours lives, so what’s the point? JESSICA: I guess you’re right. KELLI: So...truce? JESSICA: [Laughs] Truce. They shake hands. KELLI: So how was your first day? JESSICA: It was mind-numbingly boring. KELLI: As usual, huh? JESSICA: But you’re a straight A student, you could fall asleep in class and still get into the best colleges in the country. KELLI: Not if I want Valedictorian I can’t. And besides, I don’t want just the best, I want the best. I want to go to Yale. JESSICA: Yale, huh? KELLI: Yeah. Somehow, getting away from Marquette Cove always ends up on the top of my “to do” list. JESSICA: I know, right? KELLI: How about you? JESSICA: Oh, you know...weighing my options, or whatever. I’m just a little...oh. KELLI: What’s wrong? JESSICA: I don’t...I don’t feel so well. [Beat] Oh my God. Jessica hurries into a bathroom stall and quickly leans over a toilet, vomiting into it. Kelli watches in shock. JESSICA: Unh... KELLI: Jessica! Are you okay? Is there anything I can do? Jessica flushes the toilet and stands, staggering toward Kelli. JESSICA: No, I’m fine...I just need to...need to... Jessica collapses onto the floor. executive producer |
Ira Madison Episode #218 |