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VINCE: [Gasping] My father is...my father's alive? MARK: I don't know. Probably. VINCE: What? MARK: Well, let's think about it. How many people have died and come back to life in this town? VINCE: Like who? MARK: I don't know...I'd assume that it's happened once or twice, right? With all of the weird stuff that goes on here? VINCE: No one in this town has come back from the dead, Mark. MARK: Well then. I guess your dad really is dead. That's a shame. Vince grabs Mark by his collar and slams him to the ground. VINCE: I am only going to tell you this once, you got it? Stay the hell away from me. Stay the hell away from my house and my family. MARK: And which house would that be, exactly? VINCE: You son of a bitch. Vince kicks Mark in the stomach. As Mark writhes in pain on the ground, Vince stomps off. Mark eventually climbs back to his feet, using Sean's grave to keep his balance.
MARK: Just for that, Vince, I hope you never find out that your dad is still alive.
MICHAEL: What in God's name was so urgent, Valerie? VALERIE: [Sarcastically] Oh, I'm sorry, did I interrupt your viewing of How I Met My Mother? Michael frowns. MICHAEL: What do you want? VALERIE: Perhaps you can explain to me why there's a dead man in my living room? Michael peers into the living room and sees Victor Lopez sitting on the couch. MICHAEL: Oh. I see you've met Victor. VALERIE: Victor? But he's dead! MICHAEL: No. VALERIE: Oh my God...you've been keeping him alive! In your basement or something! MICHAEL: Valerie, that's utterly ridiculous. VALERIE: I'm sorry. But...this... MICHAEL: Is not actually Victor, obviously. He's very much dead. Rest his soul. VALERIE: What little he had of one. MICHAEL: Valerie. VALERIE: Sorry. MICHAEL: At any rate, do with him as you wish. You said that Melissa was out of her mind when she found you at Victor's grave. Whatever her connection to him, it is sure to become very obvious when she comes face to face with Victor himself, wouldn't you agree? VALERIE: Yes...yes. I agree. Valerie smiles. VALERIE: So, who is this really? MICHAEL: I don't know. The help? An associate arranged it. He agreed to the plastic surgery, that's all that matters, correct?
VALERIE: Yes. I suppose it is.
SARA: This is really it, huh? DARREN: Yeah. Our house has finally been sold. We're out by the end of the month. SARA: I can't even believe it. I've spent my entire life in this house. You've spent the majority of your life here. And now it's being sold, without our parents even bothering to come back. DARREN: Par for the course, I guess. SARA: Yeah. [Beat] But you know, I think it will be nice, living with Aunt Felicia. Sara walks to one of the bookshelves and beings packing another box. DARREN: Yeah. And her evil sister. Oh, and our cousin! Honestly, I'm glad that we're not actually related to any of them by blood. SARA: Darren. DARREN: I'm sorry. You know I love Felicia, but her family...not so much. SARA: You're still mad because of how things went with Ariel, aren't you? DARREN: No, I'm not. SARA: Come on, tell me the truth. Did you tell her you were gay? Is that why she dumped you? DARREN: No. She dumped me because I was being "distant." Whatever, it wouldn't have worked out anyway. SARA: Well, I can't imagine she'll be to ecstatic to find out that you're gay. If she ever decides to return home from the wonderful world of London, that is. DARREN: Yeah...let's hope she and Eric stay there. SARA: Eric? What's wrong with him? DARREN: After I broke up with Ariel, he and I kind of...fooled around for a couple of months. SARA: Shut up! You're kidding me! DARREN: I wish. SARA: Eric is gay? I had no idea. DARREN: I don't know what he is. I don't really care. SARA: So, you hooked up with Aunt Felicia's nephew, then? DARREN: Well, it sounds gross when you put it like that and ignore the part where we aren't blood relatives. SARA: I guess so. But still, Eric? DARREN: Yeah...he was kind of a bad kisser. [Laughs] But the other things he did with his mouth? Kind of amazing.
SARA: I didn't need to hear that.
Dining Room. Leslie Moore is seated at a table with Akilah Moore and Vincent Moore. LESLIE: Well, dinner was excellent. And made even better by my two favorite kids being here. VINCE: Mom, we're you're only kids. LESLIE: [Laughs] That's why you're my favorites. AKILAH: [Sarcastically] Boy, thanks, Mom. VINCE: I was at Dad's grave earlier today. Leslie and Akilah remain silent. VINCE: Sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up. LESLIE: No, baby, it's...it's fine. It's fine. VINCE: You know, the last time we were all here together, as a family, was the night before Dad died. The night we learned about his promotion at work. AKILAH: Vince, don't say stuff like that! Okay? Just stop it! Leslie takes Akilah's hand. LESLIE: Akilah, honey. Stop. It's fine, it's been on my mind too. [To Vince] But your father wouldn't want us to let this run our lives now, Vince. We've got to move on. We have moved on. AKILAH: And some of us have moved out. VINCE: I should get going. First day of classes tomorrow. Vince stands. LESLIE: Vincent. VINCE: Congratulations, Mom. Vince exits. AKILAH: [Softly] I'm sorry. LESLIE: I know, baby. It's okay. Everything is going to be okay. executive producer |
Ira Madison Episode #216 |