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CHRIS: Quentin, what's up? QUENTIN: I've taken your thoughts into consideration. CHRIS: And? QUENTIN: I'll accept your offer. For more responsibility. I'm giving you all of Ricard's clients. CHRIS: That son of a bitch. QUENTIN: Excuse me? CHRIS: Nothing. That's cool, I mean...he's really leaving? QUENTIN: Yes and no. Ric will be leaving our organization, but there's still one more surprise I have in store for him. CHRIS: I don't even want to know. Whatever Ric's involved in...I mean, whatever. Thanks, Quentin. QUENTIN: That's not all. CHRIS: Huh? QUENTIN: As a token on my appreciation, I'm giving you a gift. [Beat] This. Quentin moves away from the car and gestures to it. CHRIS: The...the BMW? QUENTIN: Yes. CHRIS: That's worth a lot of money. Chris turns away from Quentin. CHRIS: Money that I could use to... QUENTIN: Chris? CHRIS: Thank you, Quentin. Thank you so much. QUENTIN: You're very welcome. Chris moves forward and touches the car, running his fingers across the hood.
CHRIS: [Softly] I might be getting closer to getting Blake back than I thought.
LESLIE: Michael. You wanted to see me? Michael doesn't look up from his computer. MICHAEL: Yes, I did. Have a seat. Leslie cautiously sits. LESLIE: What's wrong? MICHAEL: I understand that you've been working on...this. Michael picks up a folder and hands it to Leslie. LESLIE: The Immaculate Collection account. Yes, I did. MICHAEL: And your role, exactly? LESLIE: I organized the flow of events for the fashion show. MICHAEL: You came up with the concept as well, correct? Heaven on Their Minds? LESLIE: Yes. Michael smiles at Leslie. MICHAEL: I loved it. LESLIE: You did? MICHAEL: Yes. And actually, I'd like for you to work closer with our Design Executive in the future. As his assistant. LESLIE: You're...you're giving me a promotion? MICHAEL: Yes. Is that a problem? LESLIE: No! No, of course not! I'm just...I'm floored. That's amazing, Michael. Thank you so much.
MICHAEL: Well, you deserve it. [Beat] You're good at what you do, Leslie.
JESSICA: Alec! ALEC: [Softly] Shit. Alec stands and approaches Jessica. ALEC: Hey, Jessica. JESSICA: Do you mind if we talk? ALEC: Actually, yeah. I've got a ton of work to do, Jess. Midsummer is going up in less than two weeks. JESSICA: Just a minute. ALEC: Fine. Over here? Alec gestures to the hallway. Jessica follows him off stage and into the hallway, where he closes the door behind them. JESSICA: I wanted to talk about Vince's birthday party. ALEC: Funny you should mention Vince. JESSICA: What's that supposed to mean? ALEC: I saw you coming out of his house a few days ago. While I was jogging. In the morning. JESSICA: Oh. I was just...I wasn't feeling well, so I stayed overnight. ALEC: And got some late night loving from the good Dr. Moore, I take it. JESSICA: Oh, go to hell, Alec. I slept in a guest room. ALEC: Oh. [Beat] Yeah, sure. Whatever. JESSICA: Why are you so concerned if you're interested in me anymore? ALEC: I wasn't concerned. If you want to be a ho, then that's fine with me. JESSICA: Okay. Jessica kisses Alec. ALEC: Stop that! I'm seeing Akilah right now. JESSICA: You are not. ALEC: Well, I'm courting her right now. Same difference. JESSICA: I'm betting you haven't kissed her since that day in the park. And I'm betting you two haven't... ALEC: No, we haven't. Because she's got a little something you seem to lack these days. JESSICA: And what's that?
ALEC: Self respect.
Fordham, IL Bedroom. Denise Robertson is lying in her bed with Simon Price, kissing him. DENISE: Twice in a row. I think that's a personal best for us. SIMON: I think it is. [Beat] Want to try again? DENISE: Three? Oh, Simon, a girl has her limits. Denise laughs and sits up in bed. SIMON: Whew. Thank the Lord, because you know, I really don't think I could go again after that last time. DENISE: I wore my baby out, huh? SIMON: You most certainly did. Simon kisses Denise. At that moment, the bedroom door opens and Nate Robertson enters. DENISE: Nate! NATE: Mom! What the hell is going on in here? SIMON: You have a son? DENISE: Nate, watch your mouth. [Beat] I didn't mention that? NATE: Great, mom. I come home for lunch and find you doing...this. Who the hell is this anyway? SIMON: I live down the hall. I really don't know how I never knew you had a son. DENISE: He lives with his grandmother. SIMON: That explains it. NATE: Well, it seems we have been properly introduced, random in my mother's bed. SIMON: Uh, my name is...Simon. Simon Price. Simon extends his hand. NATE: Are you fucking kidding me? Nate exits. DENISE: Nate! I told you to watch your damn mouth! Denise slips on her underwear and wraps herself in the bed sheet. DENISE: Excuse me, Simon. I'll be right back. Denise exits. SIMON: Thank God I don't have kids. executive producer |
Ira Madison Episode #214 |