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MELISSA: [Gasps] Oh my God. [Beat] What are you doing here, Valerie? VALERIE: Excuse me? Melissa grabs Valerie, glaring at her. MELISSA: What are you doing at this grave? What the hell are you doing here, Valerie?! Tell me! VALERIE: I was taking a walk through the goddamn cemetery, Melissa! Valerie breaks away from Melissa. VALERIE: And see, you've got me swearing in a cemetery? Way to go. MELISSA: Oh, I think God has already crossed you off his list, Valerie. VALERIE: Until you accosted me, I had no idea that you were here. Honest. I was coming...I was coming to visit Kyle's grave. MELISSA: You are such a pathetic liar. VALERIE: [Defensively] I am not lying, Melissa. I was coming to visit Kyle's grave, and I just happened to be passing in front of...Victor Lopez? Who in the hell is that? MELISSA: No one. Valerie shoots Melissa a dubious look. MELISSA: I thought you were coming here to do something to Erin's grave. That's what I meant. Because hers is only a few feet away. VALERIE: As if. MELISSA: You know what? I don't have to explain anything to you. Just leave me alone, Valerie. And mind your own business. Melissa abruptly exits.
VALERIE: [Smirking] Oh, didn't you know, Melissa? Your business is mine.
Chicago, IL CHRIS: Blake. ROGER: Huh? Chris opens his eyes and sees someone he doesn't recognize in front of him. CHRIS: Oh, I'm sorry, I was thinking about someone else. ROGER: I see. [Beat] My name's Roger. CHRIS: Sorry. Roger. Chris starts to walk away, but Roger grabs his arm. ROGER: Didn't I see you in Spin? Dancing? CHRIS: No. You must be mistaken. ROGER: No I'm not. You were with that guy, Scott. He and I hooked up once. CHRIS: Jesus, did everyone but me know he was gay? ROGER: He's bi. CHRIS: Whatever. [Beat] So, is this the part where you ask me if I want to go out with you? Ask me for my number? ROGER: I don't do dates. But, if you're interested... A train pulls into the station. ROGER: ...I'm getting off at Argyle.
Roger gets onto the train. Chris hesitates momentarily, but follows him onto the train and sits down next to him.
BLAKE: Darren? Blake gets out his cell phone and dials Darren's number. Darren answers. DARREN: Hey. BLAKE: Were you just throwing rocks at my window? DARREN: No. [Beat] Yes. BLAKE: You couldn't have just called? DARREN: I thought this would be slightly more romantic? BLAKE: [Laughs] Aw. That's cute. What's up? DARREN: Alec is sleeping at the mansion and he's...snoring. BLAKE: That's unfortunate. DARREN: Yeah, it is? Can I come up? BLAKE: Yeah. Sure. Darren hangs up his phone and starts climbing up a tree. He then crawls on a branch and climbs into Blake's window. Blake helps Darren climb inside and kisses him. DARREN: Thanks for the lift. BLAKE: So, where you planning on sleeping here? DARREN: No. I was just stopping by. Darren kisses Blake. DARREN: Maybe for a while. Darren kisses him again. BLAKE: Stop. I can't. DARREN: Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't...I know I shouldn't be doing this. You're still in high school, and I'm climbing into your bedroom in the middle of the night. It's like I'm robbing the cradle or something. BLAKE: That's not what I meant. I meant that...hey! I'm almost 18. DARREN: Okay. BLAKE: It's not like it's statutory rape or anything. DARREN: Okay, just a note? The word "rape" isn't really a turn-on in any situation. BLAKE: Sorry. It's just that...I don't know if I'm ready to have sex yet. I mean, actual sex. DARREN: I know that, Blake. And it's cool with me, okay? Because I really like you. And whatever you want? It's cool with me. BLAKE: It's just that...I don't want to get hurt. Because I think I might...I might really be falling for you. I might be falling in love with you. And it scares me. DARREN: It shouldn't scare you. Because I am too. In fact, I think I already am. [Beat] I love you, Blake. You don't have to say it to me. BLAKE: I love you too. Blake kisses Darren, and then he walks over to his bed. He sits down, opening his dresser drawer and removing a condom. BLAKE: Maybe we could give it a try. You know, the actual thing. DARREN: [Smiling] God, I love you.
Darren climbs into bed with Blake.
JESSICA: Vince, I told you that I'm fine. You don't have to treat me like a child. VINCE: Then stop acting like one. JESSICA: Shut up, Vince. VINCE: Here, have a seat. I'm going to get you some water. JESSICA: I don't need water. VINCE: You wouldn't go to the hospital, the least I can do is get you some water. Jessica sits. JESSICA: Why are you being so nice to me? VINCE: Huh? JESSICA: Usually, everything you say to me is rude and inconsiderate. But right now, it's only been every other thing. VINCE: Well, even I wouldn't kick a wounded puppy while it's crawling through glass. JESSICA: [Beat] Um. Okay? VINCE: Now, let me get you some water. Jessica stands. JESSICA: Vince, I promise you, I don't need any - Jessica stumbles, almost falling over. She catches herself with the arm of the chair. VINCE: Jessica! JESSICA: Vince, I'm fine. Honestly. VINCE: No. You're not. And if you're not going to go to a hospital, then you're at least going to stay here. JESSICA: What? VINCE: I know your mother is out of town, visiting family. I want you someplace safe, all right? JESSICA: In your bedroom? VINCE: Please. My ten-foot pole is at the cleaners. JESSICA: Thanks.
VINCE: You can stay in one of the guest bedrooms. [Smiling] We have so many.
FELICIA: Robert, where's Alec? Is he okay? ROBERT: I don't know. FELICIA: You called me and said that Alec was in trouble! I'm just glad that you didn't change the locks, because you're obviously...you are drunk. ROBERT: [Laughs] No, I'm not. FELICIA: Alec is just fine, isn't he? ROBERT: Probably. I haven't talked to him. FELICIA: Robert. I'm leaving. ROBERT: Wait! Don't leave. Please? FELICIA: Robert, we're getting di...annulled. Or have you forgotten? I kind of hate you right now. ROBERT: I don't hate you. I still love you. FELICIA: I'm not in the mood for this. ROBERT: Felicia, come on! Robert climbs off the couch and tries walking toward Felicia, but he trips and falls onto his face. FELICIA: Robert! Felicia tries helping him up, and he pulls her into a kiss. Felicia breaks away from Robert and slaps him. FELICIA: Robert. Don't ever do that again. ROBERT: Why not? FELICIA: Do I really have to go into detail? MELISSA: What's going on in here? Felicia turns to find Melissa Maddock entering the room. FELICIA: Melissa. MELISSA: Well? I asked you a question, Felicia. FELICIA: Robert is drunk. He called me over here. MELISSA: And why would he do that? Felicia stands up. FELICIA: I don't know, Felicia. My husband hasn't really been making much sense since I caught him having sex with his law partner in his office. MELISSA: Felicia, get out. FELICIA: Gladly. MELISSA: You know, you and your sister need to leave me and my family alone. Your obsession with us is starting to get disgusting. FELICIA: And so is...never mind, you know what? Robert is your problem now. So you can deal with him yourself, and all that it entails. [Beat] Have a good night, Melissa. Felicia exits. ROBERT: Where did Felicia go? MELISSA: [Angrily] I'm going to bed, Robert. I wouldn't think about joining me if I were you. executive producer |
Ira Madison Episode #211 |