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JESSICA: Oh! Vince, I'm sorry. VINCE: Watch where you're going, all right? JESSICA: I said I was sorry. You didn't even spill any popcorn. VINCE: Is Alec here somewhere? Are you busy stalking him? JESSICA: Vince, there's no reason for you to be a jerk. VINCE: Oh. There's always reason for me to be a jerk to the girl who has tried to screw me over on more than one occasion. JESSICA: You know what? I'm leaving, okay? VINCE: By your...hah! Were you here by yourself? JESSICA: Yes. I was. VINCE: That's kind of pathetic. JESSICA: And where the hell is your date, Vince? VINCE: Julia is waiting for me inside. JESSICA: Then go inside and leave me alone. I can see a movie by myself if I damn well please, Vince. Jesus Christ. VINCE: Then go. Go ahead and see plenty. Vince starts to walk away, but Jessica pushes his popcorn out of his hands. VINCE: You are such a - Vince turns around to yell at Jessica, but she startles him by collapsing onto the ground. VINCE: Jessica? Vince drops to his knees and tries to wake her, but Jessica remains unmoving.
VINCE: Jessica!
Chicago, IL SCOTT: Chris! Hey! CHRIS: Scott. What are you doing here? SCOTT: It's a Friday night. Of course I'm going to hit up in Boystown in Chicago. CHRIS: I didn't realize that you were gay, I guess. SCOTT: I'm bi, actually. But I guess that still counts? I don't think I've hooked up with a girl in months. CHRIS: Uh huh. SCOTT: You'd be better off using one of the stalls. CHRIS: They look...occupied. SCOTT: [Laughs] Yeah...is this your first time here? CHRIS: Yeah, it actually is. Scott walks to a stall and opens it to find two men making out in it. SCOTT: Clear out, bitches. The men give Scott angry looks before ultimately deciding to exit. Scott steps into the stall and pulls Chris in with him, closing it and locking it. CHRIS: Oh...I was just...I just needed to use the bathroom. SCOTT: Yeah, of course you did. Scott kisses Chris and reaches into Chris' pocket, removing a condom. SCOTT: That's why you brought this? [Beat] Top or bottom. CHRIS: I'm a...I'm a top. SCOTT: Cool. That works for me.
Scott begins to loosen Chris' belt.
DARREN: Hey Alec, what's up? ALEC: You don't have company, do you? DARREN: No, Blake just left, it's cool. ALEC: Thanks, man. I think I'm going out of my mind or something. They walk into the living room and Alec takes a seat on the couch, stretching out on his back and sighing. DARREN: Oh, Alec, I wouldn't lay on that couch like that. ALEC: Huh? Why not? [Beat] Oh. Ew. Alec stands. ALEC: You have a bedroom, Darren. DARREN: Heat of the moment, man. ALEC: [Beat] I'll allow it.
DARREN: So what's up? ALEC: My parents are being their usual selves. Honestly, sometimes I wonder who's supposed to be the adult in our relationship. DARREN: [Laughs] Me, you, and Sara. It's definitely the three of us. ALEC: Right? DARREN: Look, if things are crazy at home, you can stay over here if you want. But don't get too comfortable...this place is on the market. ALEC: What? DARREN: Got a letter from my parents. They're selling the house, because they've decided to stay in Stockholm, or Paris, or wherever the hell they are these days. ALEC: Darren, I'm sorry. DARREN: You know, it's fine? I mean, they've never really been around to begin with. It's Sara that I'm worried about, really. I guess we'd better start looking for a place. ALEC: What if she took my place? DARREN: Huh? ALEC: Well, my mom asked me if I wanted to move into Valerie's with her. DARREN: Seriously? ALEC: I told her I'd think about it. But you see my predicament. Live with my dad and his mistress, or live with my mom and her evil family. Not to mention Matt Holden. I think if he moved into his uncle's mansion, that would be enough to make Vince move back home. DARREN: Yeah. Quite the predicament, I guess. ALEC: It's too bad that...wait a minute! DARREN: What? ALEC: Why don't we move in together? If Sara wanted to move in with my mom, since they're like the Golden Girls or something these days, then we could get a place together. A condo, maybe? DARREN: I don't know... ALEC: Come on. We've both got enough money, the place would be pretty swank.
DARREN: You're not wrong. [Beat] You know...it doesn't sound too bad. Maybe we could work something out.
ROBERT: Ninety-nine bottles of goddamn champagne... Robert sits up on the couch, reaching for the phone. He dials a number and waits for a response. Felicia Bale answers. FELICIA: Hello? ROBERT: Felicia! How the hell are you? FELICIA: Robert, what do you want? ROBERT: I called to see how you were doing. FELICIA: Are you drunk? You sound drunk. ROBERT: No. FELICIA: This is rather ironic, isn't it? You accusing me of having a drinking problem and now this? ROBERT: There's a very important reason why I...why I called you tonight. FELICIA: And what's that? ROBERT: It's...it's Alec. He was in an accident. And here's here now. He needs his mother. FELICIA: Oh my God, Alec? Is he okay? ROBERT: You should probably hurry. FELICIA: Of course! Yes, I'll be right there! Felicia hangs up. Robert sets down the phone, grinning.
ROBERT: More champagne! Drinks all around.
VALERIE: Victor Lopez...1959 to 2004. [Beat] I wish you could come up out of this grave and tell me what Hugh's connection to Melissa is. Valerie sighs, leaning against the tombstone.
VALERIE: I mean, aside from the fact that she was one of his high-priced hookers circa the 80s. Oh, who am I kidding? She was probably the cheapest of them all.
Melissa Maddock stands before the grave of her daughter, Erin Maddock, wiping away tears. MELISSA: These dreams...they have to be about you. They have to be, because the only other explanation...it's too horrific to even fathom. [Beat] I love you, Erin. Melissa gently touches her daughter's tombstone, before turning away to exit. As she does, she overhears someone speaking nearby. Melissa turns and sees Valerie standing in front of a separate grave. MELISSA: What, is she following me now? Melissa walks over to Valerie, grabbing her arm. MELISSA: What in the hell are you doing here? VALERIE: Get your hands off me, you tramp! Valerie pulls her arm away. VALERIE: I should have you thrown in jail for assault. MELISSA: What are you doing here, Valerie? Are you following me? Can't you just leave me well enough alone? Melissa takes a look at the gravesite Valerie is standing in front of. MELISSA: [Gasps] Oh my God. [Beat] What are you doing here, Valerie? VALERIE: Excuse me? Melissa grabs Valerie again, glaring at her. MELISSA: What are you doing at this grave? What the hell are you doing here, Valerie?! Tell me! executive producer |
Ira Madison Episode #210 |