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FELICIA: Thanks again for driving me, Valerie. VALERIE: Well, it was on my way to the hospital. FELICIA: You've been spending a lot of time there lately. VALERIE: I've been trying to visit Simon more. FELICIA: I figured. [Beat] I'm going to try and pack some things. Robert should still be at Melissa's, so hopefully I'll be able to do it in piece. VALERIE: Just call Winston whenever you're done, and he'll pick you up. I've already arranged for someone this weekend to pick up your things and bring them to the mansion. FELICIA: Thank you. VALERIE: [Smiling] What are sisters for? Felicia laughs. FELICIA: Sure. Felicia climbs out of the car. Valerie drives off as Felicia walks along the walkway to the front lawn. When she reaches the lawn, she finds piles of clothes and assorted pieces of furniture lying on the grass. FELICIA: What in God's name? Robert Bale exits the house, carrying a jewelry box. He drops it into the bushes next to the front door. ROBERT: Felicia! I was hoping you'd show up. I decided to start some spring cleaning early! FELICIA: What's going on, Robert? ROBERT: Are you that dense, my soon-to-be-never-legal wife? This is all of your junk. I'm getting it out of my home as soon as possible. Felicia is speechless.
ROBERT: I'd start calling around for a U-Haul van if I were you. I here it's supposed to rain.
MELISSA: I can't believe I'm moving out of this place. It's been home for years. AARON: I know, it's been like home to me too. [Beat] God, it just seems like yesterday that I used to hang out here with you and Kyle. MELISSA: Yeah. Seems like yesterday. AARON: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought up Kyle? MELISSA: No, it's fine. That was years ago, Aaron. And besides, that's not the thing that's been haunting me lately. AARON: You're still having those nightmares? MELISSA: The same thing every time. Me giving birth to a child, and someone taking him away from me. One time I could almost swear it was Hugh taking my baby. And I could swear he was telling me it was a boy. AARON: But you know that couldn't have happened. You've only given birth to Erin. MELISSA: I miscarried a baby, Aaron. Back when I used to...when I used to work for Hugh. AARON: A miscarriage, not the same thing. MELISSA: I know. And I know that has to be what the dream was about. I blamed Hugh for Erin's death, and so I connected it with the child I lost while working for Hugh. But I can't help but feeling that I'm missing something...so much of my life back then is a blur. All of those drugs, all of that alcohol...whatever could help me forget that I was selling my body for money. AARON: You were dealing with Kyle's suicide, Melissa. Never mind that Valerie tried to make your life hell because she blamed you for it. She ran you out of town. And you tried to rebuild your life...the only way you could, since your father wouldn't help you. MELISSA: I did what I had to do. [Beat] I worked my way through law school and reclaimed my life. And now, I'm going to marry the man of my dreams. AARON: I'm so happy for you, Melissa. MELISSA: You should be. Because you're getting a gift out of the deal. AARON: Oh? What gift is that? MELISSA: This mansion. AARON: Huh? MELISSA: I'm giving you my father's mansion. AARON: You're kidding, right? MELISSA: No. I'm not. I'm moving in with Robert, I don't have a need for a second home. At least, not one just a few blocks away. [Beat] I think most people with second homes go for the tropical climate. Or the Hamptons. AARON: This is...wow, Melissa. I can't accept this. MELISSA: Yes, you can. You're the one person I've been able to count on, constantly. The one person who I could tell everything to. The one person who I could trust with my secret. At least, before Felicia confronted me with it the night that I... [Laughs] Two miscarriages. Who goes through things like that? [Beat] At least she did enough damage that night. She's not running off to tell Robert or anyone else about my past. AARON: You are going to tell him, aren't you? MELISSA: What? AARON: Before you get married. You're going to tell him, right? MELISSA: I don't know. AARON: You want him to know, don't you? Secrets like this...they can eat away at you, Melissa. You don't want that kind of burden hanging over your marriage. Trust me.
MELISSA: I know, I know. You're right. [Beat] It's just...that's what I'm afraid of. Doing what's right.
DARREN: You want something to drink? BLAKE: No, I'm good. DARREN: Cool. Well, you can have a seat on the couch. I'll find my Grey's Anatomy DVDs...they're around here somewhere. BLAKE: Where's Sara? DARREN: She sent me a text message. She's in Evanston with Ric, I think they're seeing a movie, maybe going to Chili's. BLAKE: Cool. DARREN: I'll be right back. Darren exits. Blake removes his shoes and leaves them at the front door. He walks into the living room and sits on the couch, turning on the television with the remote. BLAKE: Infomercial. Darren enters, carrying a DVD box set. DARREN: Found them. Darren sits down next to Blake. DARREN: So, we can watch these now, or... Darren kisses Blake. DARREN: Later? BLAKE: Hmmm...that's really difficult. Darren laughs. Blake kisses him back. BLAKE: I'm gonna go with door number two. DARREN: Good call. BLAKE: Do I win a new car? DARREN: Something better. Darren sets the box down and gently pushes Blake onto his back. He starts to unbutton Blake's jeans as they make out. DARREN: Do you want to do anything else? BLAKE: Huh? DARREN: Well, right now I was going to stick with oral. Like we had before. BLAKE: Oh. Are you asking if... DARREN: Yes. I mean, I don't know if you have before, or... BLAKE: I have. I did. [Beat] I have before. DARREN: Good. That's good. BLAKE: But I'm just...I don't really know if... DARREN: Blake, that's perfectly fine. I'm serious. We don't have to do anything you don't want. BLAKE: Really? DARREN: Really. Blake smiles. BLAKE: Well, now that you mention it, there is one thing that I did want to do. DARREN: Yes? Blake sits up on the couch. He unzips Darren's pants. BLAKE: You'll see. DARREN: I can't...wait. Blake lowers his head, but Darren stops him. DARREN: No. Wait. I'm sorry...there's mail on the table. Sara must have put it there. BLAKE: That's generally what people do with mail. DARREN: It's from my parents. BLAKE: Oh. DARREN: This will just take a minute. Darren reaches for the envelope. He opens it and begins to read the letter inside. DARREN: What in the hell? BLAKE: What's wrong? DARREN: My parents...they're living in Portugal now. And they're not coming back to the States. BLAKE: What?
DARREN: And that's not all...they're selling the house.
VINCE: [Singing] I'm bringing sexy back...those other boys don't know how to...what the hell? Vince stops walking when he notices someone familiar standing in the study. Vince turns off his iPod as Mark Zane exits the study. VINCE: What the hell are you doing here? MARK: Your beautiful singing voice. VINCE: Answer the damn question. MARK: Getting chewed out my your parental unit. I guess he didn't appreciate me trying to have his help arrested. VINCE: Yeah. Because you're insane. The police should have pressed charges against you. MARK: My gun went off in my garage while I was cleaning it. It's no big. VINCE: Please, like you didn't bring it here to try and kill me with it. [Beat] I can't believe I'm being so nonchalant about someone trying to kill me. This town is weird. MARK: I didn't try to kill you. And I have to go. VINCE: Then go. And don't come back. Mark rolls his eyes and exits. Michael Hanley emerges from his study. VINCE: Michael, what's going on? MICHAEL: I was giving that young man a piece of my mind. VINCE: And you brought him here to do it? I thought you already did that in the hospital? MICHAEL: Please don't question my motives, Vincent. VINCE: I'm...I'm sorry, Michael. MICHAEL: Dinner is almost ready. I'll expect you in the dining room in half an hour. Michael exits.
VINCE: As you wish.
MARK: Mark Zane, you just hit the jackpot. executive producer |
Ira Madison Episode #208 |