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KELLI: Thought I was Mom, didn't you? MORRIS: No. I'm hitting the pavement. Looking for jobs just like she told me to. KELLI: Lying on your ass? MORRIS: Fine, I'm hitting the paper. The Trib, all right? KELLI: Mom's pissed again, by the way. MORRIS: About what? KELLI: This not being your first offense. You never told us about the arrest in California. MORRIS: Files were never charged! How the hell did Mom find out? KELLI: The great Judge Anderson? She knows all. MORRIS: Shit. She already took away my car, and now I've got to get a job. She's gonna kill me. KELLI: I only wish I was going to be here to see the fireworks. MORRIS: Where are you going? KELLI: I'm gonna see the new M. Night movie. I just came home to get my cell phone, I left it charging this morning.
MORRIS: Have fun. Pick up some flowers to drop off at my grave, will you?
CHRIS: Yeah, I'll meet you in the park in fifteen minutes. [Beat] The usual spot is fine. [Beat] Cool. Chris hangs up the phone and stands. As he does, he notices Blake Thomas and Darren Reynolds sitting at a table, holding hands. CHRIS: Christ. Get a room.
Chris exits.
DARREN: You have made this day so much better for me. I want you to know that. BLAKE: I do what I can. DARREN: I'm serious. Dealing with my aunt and uncle is...too much right now. It's like they're my parents, they way I've gotten attached to their marital issues lately. Of course, they might as well be. I haven't seen my own parents in years. BLAKE: I think I met them once. When they came back from Spain three years ago. DARREN: Ah. When I was off trying to become a lawyer. BLAKE: Working for your uncle is going to get your foot in the door. DARREN: Right now, I'm more worried about my uncle kicking me out the door. BLAKE: I knew I shouldn't have kissed you at the party. I was only doing it to get back at Chris, that was stupid. DARREN: Don't say that. That kiss meant everything to me, okay? It was the beginning of...us. Darren kisses Blake.
DARREN: And I wouldn't trade that moment for anything.
VALERIE: Simon! What are you doing? SIMON: Checking my e-mail, that's all. Don't get so worked up. VALERIE: I'm sorry, I was just...I was working on some press releases for the tree lighting ceremony on the Magnificent Mile. SIMON: Hanley is doing promotions there now? VALERIE: Why not? I wonder why we never have. Maybe it's because my father hates Christmas. [Beat] But at any rate, I need my laptop back. SIMON: Just a second. Gmail is going really slowly for some reason. Of course, it could have something to do with all of the files you have pulled up on crime activity in Marquette Cove. VALERIE: I need to write a report for some clients. SIMON: You're writing it? And not some lackey? VALERIE: Even lackeys get the day off sometimes. SIMON: I noticed something in there about a Victor? Victor Lopez? VALERIE: Yes. He's...he's dead now, apparently. SIMON: By his daughter. VALERIE: What? I'm sorry...what did you say? SIMON: Don't you watch the news, honey? It was a big story. His daughter killed him. With a frying pan, no less. VALERIE: How did I miss this? SIMON: Alexis Lopez? The girl who kidnapped Ryan and Vanessa Phillips' son? VALERIE: Oh God! That's her? I guess I didn't really put two and two...that's crazy. Where is she now? The girl? SIMON: Locked up in Sacred Heart. Valerie frowns.
VALERIE: Sacred Heart, you say?
KELLI: You guys ready? BLAKE: Yeah. Movie starts in twenty minutes. KELLI: Fine. I just need to...damn. DARREN: What's wrong? KELLI: I think I left my gift card on the counter. I'll be right back. Kelli leaves the table and returns to the Cafˇ, where she notices that Jessica Reyes has now entered, and she's talking on a cell phone. JESSICA: God, Stephanie, I can't even tell you how boring Marquette Cove is without you. [Beat] Yeah, and of course you're just living it up in Milan right now. [Laughs] I hate you! [Beat] No, I'm fine...it's just, that Akilah girl again. [Beat] Right? I thought she'd had enough when she thought Tim was going to be interested in her over me too. But whatever, she's so deluded. [Beat] Oh! Jealous! Let me know if you run into Heidi Klum again. Jessica hangs up the phone. KELLI: You just can never grow up, can you? Jessica turns around to face Kelli. JESSICA: God! Kelli, stop being so nosy. KELLI: Stop being a bitch first. Leave Akilah alone for once, okay? Stop trying to pay her back for something she never did to you. And stop pining away over Alec because it's not doing anyone any good. JESSICA: Are you done being in my business? KELLI: I guess so. At least, until you do something ridiculous again to embarrass yourself and everyone else has to pick up the pieces from your mistakes. Like that time you filed false stalking charges against Vince. JESSICA: Vince, Vince, Vince. Everything's always about him, isn't it? [Beat] Maybe I'm not the one who needs to get over someone. Jessica walks away, sitting down at a table with her coffee.
KELLI: What the hell does that even mean?
CHRIS: Hey. Matt pulls away from Chris and stands. MATT: Whoa, I don't know what you all like to do in parks these days, but I didn't sign up for that. CHRIS: Shut up, Matt. I've got your stuff. MATT: Thank God for small favors. CHRIS: I didn't know you were into coke these days. MATT: Jack of all trades, you know? CHRIS: Don't overdo it, okay? MATT: Since when did you become the Surgeon General? CHRIS: We're friends, Matt. I've been worried about you lately, you seem like...I know things have been crazy for your family, with Vince moving into your uncle's mansion and everything, and when you were in rehab...I just - MATT: Well, you're wrong, okay? About one very big thing. CHRIS: What's that? MATT: We're not friends. CHRIS: Oh. Well...all right then. [Beat] Let's get down to business. MATT: Nothing more, nothing less. executive producer |
Ira Madison Episode #207 |