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JUDGE: It was very hard for me to come to a conclusion in this case, seeing as how both parties seem to be at fault. From Mr. Bale's affair, to Mrs. Bale's apparent drinking problem. Felicia Bale and Robert Bale exchange glances. Melissa Maddock grips Robert's hand, forcing a smile at him. JUDGE: However, something struck me that was mentioned by Mr. Bale's attorney. And I believe she's right, this doesn't seem to be grounds for a divorce, it seems more reasonable that this marriage should be annulled. FELICIA: What? Others in the courtroom exchange surprised whispers. JUDGE: And furthermore, because that would invalidate the marriage between the defendant and the plaintiff, divorce laws do not apply here. Their home, being in Mr. Bale's name, will remain his. NATHAN: Your honor! That's entirely unfair! JUDGE: Mr. Orlando, I am speaking. NATHAN: I apologize, your honor, but - JUDGE: And on the subject of Alec Bale, seeing as how he will reach his eighteenth birthday soon, I see no reason to uproot him from his home, and so custody will continue to be shared between the two parents.
ROBERT: [Softly] I won. It's all over.
OSWALD: Hey Anna. ANNA: Oswald. How's the Brady Theatre thing going? OSWALD: Pretty good. We showed Evan some of our initial prints and showed some of our promotions plans. They liked what they saw, so I think we've got the account. ANNA: Good. Sounds good. OSWALD: How are you? ANNA: I'm fine. I got stuck working on some last-minute details for The Immaculate Collection fashion show. OSWALD: Bah. Good luck with that. ANNA: Thanks. OSWALD: But you don't have anything to do for it tonight, do you? ANNA: Nope. All done until Friday. OSWALD: Me too. ANNA: Oh. OSWALD: I was wondering...did you happen to have plans for tonight, then? ANNA: No. Why do you ask? OSWALD: Well, I had reservations for the Emerald Palace, with a client, but he had to cancel at the last minute. And honestly, it's so hard getting a reservation at that place, I was hoping that you might be free tonight...to join me. Maybe? Possibly? Anna laughs. ANNA: I'm sorry, I actually have...you know what? I don't have plans. And I'm not going to make up a lie, because I love the Emerald Palace and haven't been there since I...well, it's been a while. [Beat] I'd love to. OSWALD: Great! So I'll pick you up at six thirty?
ANNA: Sounds like a plan. See you then.
JESSICA: Some verdict, huh? VINCE: Yeah. Robert wins. Again. JESSICA: I don't think anyone really wins in a divorce. Or annulment. VINCE: They kind of do. JESSICA: Well, whatever. VINCE: You know, speaking of winning...I hear you lost recently. JESSICA: What? VINCE: Alec. JESSICA: I never had Alec. VINCE: Well, now, for some reason, my sister is into him again. And he's running around kissing her like he's Georgie Porgie. [Beat] Leave them alone. JESSICA: I was planning on it.
VINCE: Good. Because your connection to Alec is over. Leave him alone.
LORI: Hello? Duncan Kincaid is on the other line. DUNCAN: Hey there, beautiful. LORI: Duncan, you just dropped me off. DUNCAN: I know. I was just calling to see if you found your desk okay. LORI: [Laughs] Yes, Duncan. I did. DUNCAN: Well, good. Good. I miss you. LORI: I miss you too. But I have to go, I have paperwork to finish. DUNCAN: All right. See you tonight. LORI: See you tonight. Lori hangs up the phone and grins. She begins to pull up her computer files, when the phone rings again. She answers. LORI: Duncan, I told you I have to - oh, I'm sorry. [Beat] Wait, what? [Beat] How do you know that? [Beat] Who is this? Tell me who this is! [Beat] Everything is being taken care of, I promise! [Beat] Don't call me again.
Lori hangs up the phone, slamming it down on.
VALERIE: Oh, Joel! JOEL: Valerie. You seem in a hurry. VALERIE: Oh, I'm going to hire a hitman to take out Robert. JOEL: Um, Valerie? VALERIE: I'm kidding. He's not worth the effort. JOEL: I take it the divorce hearing didn't go so well? I read about it in the paper. VALERIE: Ah, yes. The tabloids do love us non-common people. [Beat] What are you doing here? JOEL: Just taking care of some stuff with Judge Anderson, that's all. VALERIE: About her son's arrest? JOEL: I see you keep current as well. VALERIE: [Smiling] Whereas we are in the tabloids, the commoners are usually mentioned in reputable sources. JOEL: [Laughs] I should get going. VALERIE: Actually, I wanted to ask you something. I think I'm being...stalked. JOEL: Really? VALERIE: By Hugh Rogers, a man from - JOEL: I'm aware of who he is. VALERIE: Do you think you could find out if he's had any activity in Marquette Cove? Or maybe where he is? I just want to...I just want to make sure my family doesn't have anything to worry about. JOEL: Valerie, I don't... [Beat] Sure. I'll do what I can, okay? VALERIE: Thank you. executive producer |
Ira Madison Episode #205 |