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JUDGE: We will begin this hearing with Melissa Maddock, the plaintiff's attorney. Ms. Maddock? Melissa Maddock stands. MELISSA: Thank you, your honor. We would like to call Felicia Bale to the stand. Nathan Orlando reassuringly touches Felicia Bale on her shoulder. Felicia forces a smile and rises to her feet. She walks to the Bailiff and places her hand on a Bible. BAILIFF: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? FELICIA: Yes, I do. BAILIFF: You may be seated. Felicia sits down at the stand. Melissa smirks, walking toward Felicia.
MELISSA: All right, let's begin.
RIC: Quentin, I'm serious! I did everything that you asked me to do, so when are you going to leave me and Sara alone? Just tell me you're not going to tell her or anyone else what I did! ALEC: What? Ric hears Alec and spins around. RIC: Alec! How...how long have you been standing there? ALEC: Long enough. RIC: I have to go. Ric hangs up his phone. Sara Reynolds enters. SARA: Hey, what's going on? ALEC: Where have you been? SARA: The bathroom. Why, what's wrong? ALEC: Why don't you ask your boyfriend? SARA: Ask him what? RIC: Nothing. Alec thinks I created the red tide. SARA: As usual. Sara kisses Ric. ALEC: The hearing just started. SARA: Let's go inside. RIC: I'll be there in a second. SARA: Hmm...all right. Sara exits. RIC: So, what is it that you think you heard? ALEC: You're keeping something from Sara. Something that has to do with your boss. The boss, by the way, that you lied about no longer working for. RIC: I'm not. It was just a phone call. ALEC: What are you hiding, Ric? RIC: You're imagining things, Alec. You seem to do that a lot. Like that time you accused your best friend of stalking your girlfriend? ALEC: You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
RIC: Well then, that makes two of us.
Ric exits.
MELISSA: Do you have a drinking problem, Mrs. Bale? NATHAN: Objection! JUDGE: Sustained. MELISSA: Mrs. Bale, how often would say that you find yourself drinking, on an average day? FELICIA: Once or twice. Maybe a glass of wine with dinner and one after, I suppose. I don't see how this is... MELISSA: Anything else, besides wine? FELICIA: Vodka. Sometimes. MELISSA: Were you drunk last weekend? At the home of Michael Hanley, during a birthday party for one of your son's friends? FELICIA: No. I mean, I had a drink or two, but nothing too serious. MELISSA: And how many before? FELICIA: That's none of your business. JUDGE: Answer the question, please. FELICIA: I...I don't remember. MELISSA: Do you often not remember how much you drink? FELICIA: No. MELISSA: Do you recall an incident last fall, where you were charged with drunk driving? FELICIA: Those charges were never filed. MELISSA: But you were driving while under the influence, weren't you? When you stormed into my home and caused me to lose my child? JUDGE: Ms. Maddock. This line of questioning is not entirely appropriate. MELISSA: I...I apologize, your honor. [Beat] I'd like to present some evidence to the court, showing Mrs. Bale's actions at the home of Michael Hanley last weekend. NATHAN: Evidence? Objection, your honor, the defense hasn't even been made aware of this evidence. Robert Bale slams his hand on the table. ROBERT: It's a hearing! You didn't need to see it! MELISSA: Robert, please. [To the Judge] It's a hearing, your honor. JUDGE: I'll allow it. MELISSA: Thank you. Melissa retrieves the DVD from Robert. Darren Reynolds and Blake Thomas enter and quickly take seats next to Sara. BLAKE: Nice shortcut. DARREN: [Smiles] I think it was worth it. [To Sara] Hey sis. Sorry we're late. SARA: I'm not talking to you. DARREN: Huh? SARA: How could you not tell me, Darren? DARREN: Tell you what? SARA: Do you know how hard it was for me to come out to mom and dad? And here you were, the entire time, screwing guys behind my back. DARREN: I wasn't doing that much screwing, honest. SARA: I'm not joking, Darren. DARREN: Look, I'm really sorry. And I mean, I know it was hard, but our parents didn't care. They were as supportive as anyone could ever hope. [Beat] If I ever thought that they were going to make things hard for you, or that anyone would, I would have backed you up. Honest. SARA: Well...I guess. DARREN: And besides. You're dating Ric right now, aren't you? SARA: To your dismay. DARREN: Don't worry about that. I just want you to be happy. SARA: I am. I'm happy, Darren. DARREN: Then that's all that matters. He kisses her on the forehead and takes a look at Ric. DARREN: All that matters... Melissa plays the DVD from the party. It shows Felicia drinking and acting erratically. Melissa pauses the DVD after a few minutes. MELISSA: Care to explain? FELICIA: It's not as bad as that looks. MELISSA: Of course not. It just proves that you've been lying on the stand about your drinking habits, that's all. But of course, lying comes natural to you, doesn't it? NATHAN: Objection. JUDGE: Sustained. Ms. Maddock, please. MELISSA: I apologize. Let me rephrase. Have you ever lied to your husband? FELICIA: Everyone tells a little white lie every now and again. MELISSA: Oh, I'm talking about a rather big one. One about your relationship to Michael Hanley. You led your husband to believe that you were having an affair with him, didn't you? FELICIA: Briefly. Yes. But that's only because - MELISSA: Because you were also lying about the fact that he is your half-brother, and you've known that you are an heir to the Hanley fortune since before you married Robert. Isn't that true? FELICIA: Yes. MELISSA: Well, if that's not a fraudulent marriage, then I don't know what is. Lying to your husband about your family. Lying to him about your assets. Keeping this dangerous and volatile secret from your family for years! FELICIA: I had to. I had to! MELISSA: The truth is, Felicia, Robert never really knew anything about you at all when you married him, did he? Your honor, I'd say that's more than grounds for a simple divorce. I'd say that's grounds for an annulment. This marriage...this marriage has been nothing but a fraud for the past twenty years. executive producer |
Ira Madison Episode #204 |