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AKILAH: The prodigal son returns. VINCE: I've just come for my comic books. AKILAH: Of course. Heaven forbid you come for dinner, or something like that. VINCE: You are always invited to the mansion to...you know what? I'm not going to argue with you, Akilah. AKILAH: How was France? VINCE: Excuse me? AKILAH: You took Julia to dinner in Paris. VINCE: Yeah. So what? AKILAH: You're just - VINCE: I never take you anywhere. Is that it? AKILAH: Julia is supposed to be my best friend. And she's hanging out with you all the damn time! [Beat] Do you like her? VINCE: You mean, do I like, like her? AKILAH: Yes!
VINCE: No, Akilah. We are just friends. Okay? And it was just a trip! You're making a big deal out of nothing!
MORRIS: It is a big deal, Julia! JULIA: Morris, no it isn't! Vince is not in any way interested in me, we are just friends, I promise. MORRIS: I hate this. I'm jealous of a goddamn high schooler. JULIA: Well, you're also dating one. Or having sex with one. Or whatever the hell our relationship is. MORRIS: Yeah. JULIA: So, until you decide what we actually are, maybe you shouldn't be getting so damn upset. MORRIS: I'm sorry. JULIA: Well, you should be. Julia stands. JULIA: I'm leaving. I have to get home. MORRIS: But, don't you want to... JULIA: No! We just had an argument! MORRIS: And that always makes it better... Morris starts kissing Julia's neck. JULIA: No...Morris...I don't want...ten minutes. That's all you get. MORRIS: [Smiling] Hmm...make it fifteen.
JULIA: Oh! Now I'm excited.
RILEY: What are we hoping to prove, exactly? MICHAEL: At the very least, that it wasn't your gun that shot him. A gun which you have a permit for, I might add. JOEL: I'm aware of that, Michael. Stop complaining. MICHAEL: I'll stop complaining when you stop treating my family like we're the Witches of Eastwick. JOEL: Just as soon as you get rid of your broomstick, Michael. MICHAEL: I could have your badge. JOEL: Just try me. RILEY: Michael, don't even worry about it. Ain't nobody studying Joel right now, just focus on what's important, boss. MICHAEL: Of course. You're right, Riley, I was just - Simon enters, holding a clipboard. He turns slightly to glance back in the room at Mark, and then he turns to face Joel. JOEL: So, what's up Doc? SIMON: This seems pretty open and shut. Riley didn't shoot Mark. MICHAEL: Well then. JOEL: Huh? We haven't even matched the bullet to - SIMON: No need. That wound was clearly self-inflicted. Mark shot himself. JOEL: What in God's name... RILEY: That's quite the development. Michael moves away from the others and stares into the hospital room, locking eyes with Mark.
MICHAEL: That little gutternsipe.
THOMAS: Snow...why do I feel like I just came from the arctic? Thomas tries standing, but he stumbles and falls back onto the couch. THOMAS: Whoa. I'd better not try that so fast again. He grips the arm of the couch and uses it to push himself to his feet. THOMAS: That's better. [Beat] Blake...Blake. Blake! Blake, are you here? He begins walking toward the stairs.
THOMAS: Blake has got to be here somewhere...maybe he can explain what's wrong with me...what's happened to me.
KELLI: Blake! Are you in here? [Beat] Dammit. Kelli reaches into her purse and removes her cell phone. She dials Blake's number and waits for a response, but she instead gets a voice mail.
KELLI: Blake, this is Kelli. You told me you were going to be at your house, but you're answering your phone. I don't really see the point in having a cell phone if you're not going to answer it.
THOMAS: Oh my God...Kelli! executive producer |
Ira Madison Episode #198 |