#5.02 "Plus One"
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"Plus One"
season five, episode two
August 22, 2006
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Moore Home

Living Room. Leslie Moore enters, dressed to attend a party, and finds Akilah Moore sitting on the couch.

LESLIE: Akilah, baby, you've got to get ready for your brother's party.

AKILAH: I'm not going.

LESLIE: Baby, go get dressed.

AKILAH: Mom, I'm not going.

LESLIE: I'm not gonna repeat myself. You're going to your brother's party, and that's all there is to say.


LESLIE: It's your brother's 18th birthday, Akilah. And I don't like the fact that he's living with Michael Hanley either. He belongs at home. But after everything with Derek, I am willing to compromise. And if I gotta compromise, then you do too.


LESLIE: Get dressed, Akilah!


Akilah exits to the stairs. The doorbell rings and Leslie goes to answer it, finding Julia Mitchell at the door.

LESLIE: Julia, honey, it's good to see you.

JULIA: Hi, Mrs. Moore.

LESLIE: Why don't you run upstairs and hurry my daughter along? She's being slow.

JULIA: Can do.

Julia exits to the stairs.

Simon Price's Apartment
Fordham, IL

Kitchen. William Connor is standing in the kitchen, drinking a beer. Simon Price enters the kitchen, setting an empty bottle down on the counter.

SIMON: William, thanks for calling me, man. I've spent enough time in my apartment watching HBO.

WILLIAM: No problem, Simon. I know the feeling. You just got to get out and meet new people here.

SIMON: Well, it would help if I could leave Fordham.

WILLIAM: But you can't, okay, you know that -

SIMON: I know. You work with the government, and you're here, helping me with this new identity of mine. I just wish I could remember what my past life was even like.

WILLIAM: It's best that you don't remember your life as...it's best you don't.

SIMON: The witness protection program. This is weird. You know, I didn't know that they put agents with the people they were protecting. Though, I guess I'm a unique case with the amnesia and everything.

WILLIAM: That's right. But as I was saying, why don't you just try to start new. There's that Denise Robertson down the hall.

SIMON: What about her?

WILLIAM: She likes you.

SIMON: I don't know.

WILLIAM: It might be time to start moving on. Just think about it.

SIMON: I'll definitely give it a thought.

Simon grabs another beer.

SIMON: I paused the game...the Sox are in the final inning, I think they're gonna beat the Cubs.

WILLIAM: They wish. I'll be there in a second.

Simon exits.

WILLIAM: [Softly] Yes...I think it's best you don't remember your life as Sean Moore. Or mine as your brother, Derek.

Holden Home

Bedroom. Valerie Hanley-Holden is changing clothes, as Simon Holden enters the room.

SIMON: You almost ready, honey?

VALERIE: Of course, I am. But I've been thinking...why don't we just skip the party?

SIMON: Not you too. Your son was trying to get out of this earlier too.

VALERIE: [Defensively] Your son too.

SIMON: I know.

VALERIE: Well, I was only thinking that maybe we could...enjoy each other's company? Now that I'm back at home...

SIMON: After the party, we could watch a movie? Just hang out on the couch for a while.

VALERIE: I didn't mean that.

Valerie reaches back and unzips her dress, letting it fall to the floor. She kisses Simon.

SIMON: Valerie, this is kind of sudden.

VALERIE: You're younger than me. You're the one who should be wanting sex all the time.

SIMON: I know! And I do, it's just that...you're always busy.

VALERIE: Well, I'm not busy now.

SIMON: Matt is waiting downstairs. I finally convinced him to go.

VALERIE: Hmm...yeah. I think Matt can wait.

SIMON: Fine by me.

Simon unbuttons his shirt and tosses it to the floor. Valerie pulls him onto the bed.

VALERIE: Oh, I just couldn't wait to get back from Paris and see you.

SIMON: Paris? I thought you were in Rome.

VALERIE: Rome...yes! I was! But then I stopped in Paris...for shopping.


VALERIE: But that's enough talking.

Valerie unfastens Simon's belt.

Emerald Square

Water Fountain. Sara Reynolds is walking with Ricard Branch.

RIC: We're going to be early.

SARA: Is that a bad thing?

RIC: Yeah, it's bad. I hate being the first one at parties. It's uncomfortable. And I can't really help myself to the food if everyone's watching me.

SARA: [Laughs] You don't have a problem doing that at my house.

RIC: No. You're right about that.

SARA: My brother and my cousin are going to be at the party.

RIC: Oh, joy.

SARA: They were going on and on about you at the office this morning.

RIC: Why were you...oh, right. Your aunt and uncle's divorce. I'm sorry.

SARA: It's fine. Thank you. I just...I want them to end up together again. Happy, like we are.

RIC: Oh, like we are, huh?

SARA: Yes. And I've been meaning to ask each other if we could...

RIC: If we could what?

SARA: Become exclusive. As in, I call you my boyfriend in my circle of friends, and you do the same.

RIC: I'm not going to call you my boyfriend.

SARA: [Laughs] Ric!

RIC: Oh, fine. All right. I agree.

Ric kisses Sara.

RIC: I love you.

SARA: [Beat] I love you, too.

Zane Home

Bedroom. Mark Zane is sitting on his bed. He is holding a crumpled sheet of paper, which is an invitation to Vince's birthday party.

MARK: So sorry I had didn't have a chance to RSVP, Vince. But then again...you didn't invite me, did you?

Mark stands and opens the drawer next to his bed.

MARK: Or my plus one.

Mark removes a gun from the drawer and smiles.

MARK: The biggest surprise of the evening...

executive producer
Ira Madison

Written by:
Ira Madison

Episode #192