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Emerald Square Akilah Moore exited the Emerald Café, carrying a caramel frappucino in her hands. Timothy Black followed her out of the Café, carrying an Entertainment Weekly with him. They'd been in Emerald Square most of the afternoon, and had only now just stopped for coffee after seeing a movie. Akilah hadn't realized how late it was though, until they exited and noticed she could see stars out in the sky. "It's kind of late," Akilah said. "I should probably get home, we've got class tomorrow." "Okay," Tim said, closing his magazine. "I'll walk you home." "Aw, thank you," Akilah said, leaning into Tim so he could wrap his arms around her. "God, it's really cold out...I should have brought a sweater." Tim smirked. "I guess I'll have to keep you warm then." "Sounds like a perfect " "Hey Tim." Akilah turned around to see who'd interrupted her, finding Jessica Reyes standing behind them. Akilah rolled her eyes, briefly contemplating throwing her frappucino in Jessica's face. "Hey Jessica," Tim responded, turning as well. "Jess," Akilah muttered. "What's up, guys?" Jessica asked. "What are you doing in Emerald Square?" "Minding our own business?" Akilah offered. Jessica frowned. "There's no need to be rude, Akilah." Before Akilah could respond, Tim's cell phone began to ring. He excused himself and walked away from the two girls in order to answer the phone privately. Once she was sure that Tim was gone, Akilah stepped forward and glared at Jessica. "Are you following us?" Akilah demanded. "Please, as if anyone would want to be your paparazzi," Jessica remarked. "Just back the hell off, Jessica," Akilah snapped. "And stop being so goddamn desperate." Heading back from Julia Mitchell's home, Vincent Moore decided to cut through Emerald Square to get home quicker. As he moved past the Emerald Café, he noticed someone familiar walking toward him. Vince paused to get a better look and realized that it was Ricard Branch, who was dripping wet from head to toe. "How can I pass up a moment like this?" Vince wondered aloud, approaching Ric. "Vince, what do you want?" Ric demanded, sighing as he stopped and wrung water out of his shirt sleeve. "What's going on? Did they install a swimming pool at the mall?" Vince asked. "Not like it's any of your business, but the sprinklers went off at the Emerald Palace," Ric replied. Vince narrowed his eyes. "You can afford the Emerald Palace? I guess selling drugs really is a lucrative business." "I was on a date with Sara," Ric snapped. "Oh, so she paid then," Vince said. "Guess you don't make as much as I thought...but tell me, Ric, how's the whole chasing after a girl who's not interested in men thing going for you? Or did you cure her of that after you killed off her girlfriend?" "What...what did you say?" Ric demanded, feeling his heart racing. "I didn't kill Erin." Vince laughed. "I know that. I'm just saying, it's pretty convenient that you swooped in to comfort Sara after Erin died. You must have been just waiting for anything to happen to Erin, right?" "Shut up, Vince," Ric said. "Don't you have anything better to do than make other people's lives miserable?" "No." Ric rolled his eyes and brushed past Vince, just as Mark Zane walked up to them. "Is this about another article?" Vince demanded. "Because I don't have time, Mark. I'm really busy planning my birthday party. You know, the one you're not invited to?" "I'm not here to talk to you, Vince," Mark said. "I need to talk to Ric. Do you have a minute?" Ric shrugged. "Yeah, sure." As he and Mark began to walk away, Vince folded his arms and watched them closely. He had no idea that Ric and Mark were friends, which could only mean one thing. They didn't have a relationship as friends, they had relationship that was strictly business. Vince smirked. "Oh, Mark. Doing drugs is wrong. Someone might have to teach you a little lesson."
![]() Chris Server stepped outside the hospital and removed his cell phone from his pocket. Before he could dial a number, the phone actually began ringing. He looked at the Caller ID and saw this it was his boss, Quentin Blood. Chris reluctantly answered the phone. "Hello?" "Hello, Christopher," Quentin said. "Walk into the hospital parking lot." "What?" Chris asked. "Walk into the hospital parking lot," Quentin repeated. "My limousine is there. Get in." Chris lowered his phone and walked toward the parking lot, where he could see Quentin's limo parked at the far end of the lot. Chris took a deep breath and hung up his phone before approaching the vehicle. Once he was at the door, he opened it and climbed inside to find Quentin seated across from him, smoking a cigar. "I see you've gotten your community service assignment," Quentin noted. "Yeah, I did," Chris replied. "Is there something wrong?" "No," Quentin said. "For once, everything with you is just perfect."
Love is eternal. Life is forever. Yet things shall always remain...guasti cose. Emerald Square Vince turned away from Mark and Ric, thinking up several ways to expose Mark's drug usage. Not that he had any concrete proof, but that wasn't going to stop Vince. He'd find some way to use this to advantage and get Mark off his back about the damn newspaper. Maybe Vince would even use it to become editor of the paper himself. As he walked, Vince began to hear a loud laughing noise echoing in his ears. He paused briefly and clutched his chest, falling to his knees. "You just can't get away from destroying people's lives, can you?" A voice whispered. "Oh God," Vince gasped. "Is that...you're not supposed to be able to talk to me!" "Oh, shut up," Antonio said, appearing before Vince. Though Antonio's appearance was only a manifestation of Vince's mind, he still knew that the demon was very much alive inside Vince's body. Along with Zaliphyr, the next demon to appear beside Vince. "You know what you could do, Vince?" Zaliphyr asked. "You could kill him." Antonio's eyes widened. "Oh. That's a great idea, actually." "I thought so," Zaliphyr said. "Kill him, Vince. Just kill him." Vince rose to his feet, his eyes glowing a bright red color. He spun around and saw Mark still talking to Ric. Vince's lips curled into a grin and he started walking toward them. "I like the sound of that," Vince said.
"Things are...things are perfect?" Chris asked, confused. "Yes," Quentin said. "Your new job at the hospital is going to be perfect." "How so? All I'm doing is filing things like a secretary." Quentin chuckled. "That's even better." "How do you think so?" "You'll have access to everything I need," Quentin said. "Because of my...notoriety...I can't really go into the hospital in the middle of the day and take what I want. But with you working there, I can get blood records of everyone living in Marquette Cove." "What do you need those for?" Chris demanded. "Are you that dense? I want to find my daughter," Quentin said. "I promised to let you out of my business if you find my daughter for me, and now you've got your chance." "I don't know," Chris said. "I'm in enough trouble as it is." "Are you telling me that you won't do it?" Quentin demanded. "I'm not sure," Chris said. Quentin grabbed Chris' arm and pulled him closer to him. "I think that'd be a mistake," Quentin said. "You don't want to make me angry." "I'm just..." Quentin leaned toward Chris and whispered something in his ear. Chris froze for a moment, and then pulled away from Quentin, staring at his face in the darkness. Feeling his heart race from what Quentin had just revealed to him, Chris pulled his arm away and slid to the door. "Okay," Chris gasped. "I'll...I'll do it." "Good," Quentin said. "Now get out."
As Vince approached Mark, he turned toward the Emerald Café. Sitting at an outside table was a couple enjoying a meal together. Vince snapped his fingers, causing a knife from the table to fly across the water fountain in the center of Emerald Square and into Vince's hand. He gripped the knife and walked behind Mark, slowly raising the knife in order to stab him in the neck. "Vince, what are you doing?" Ric demanded. Vince dropped the knife, startled, and turned to face him. "Huh?" Vince asked. "What are you doing? We're trying to have a private conversation," Ric snapped. "I'm sorry," Vince replied quickly. "I just...I had thought that...I have to go." Vince hurried away from the two boys, leaving them alone once more. Ric rolled his eyes and turned back to face Mark. "So, where were we?" Ric asked. "I'm desperate?" Jessica demanded. "You're the one who's so desperate to hold onto someone you barely know in order to what? Make me jealous?" "Barely know? Tim has been here since last summer," Akilah said. "He and I have been friends since last summer, and now it's becoming more than that, and you just can't handle that. You already broke my brother's heart, Jessica. And you did the same to Alec. Tim doesn't want you. He knows what you're all about." "Does he know what you're all about? Because every boyfriend you've ever had, you've had to stalk first," Jessica replied. "Except for Matt Holden, but then again, he's a manic depressive drug addict." "And you're a whore," Akilah said, raising her free hand to slap Jessica. Jessica caught Akilah's hand, leaving her only one other option. Akilah tossed her frappucino at Jessica, letting it spill over her chest. Jessica cried out and took a step back from Akilah, screaming. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Jessica cried. "You're insane!" Jessica reached into her purse and removed a wad of tissues to wipe the frappucino from her chest. As Tim returned from his phone call, Jessica stormed off without saying anything to him. "What's wrong with Jessica?" Tim asked. Akilah shrugged. "Who knows?"
Julia Mitchell sat in the living room, staring at the deck of Tarot cards resting on the coffee table. She was still attempting to figure out exactly what had happened earlier, when she tried doing a simple Tarot reading. There was no reason why Erin Maddock should have appeared in the living room, along with Vince. And what was even more confusing was the fact that Julia's hands had passed through the deceased Erin, but not through the manifestation of Vince. Julia closed her eyes and tried concentrating. "What in the hell is going on?" Julia wondered. "I obviously passed through Erin because she's dead, but...Vince? Could that mean that weird Discourse guy is still alive?" Julia rose to her feet. "No, that's not possible, he's dead," Julia said. "There has to be something else wrong." She picked up the cards and was about to lay them across the table again to get some answer, despite the fact that Vince had blown up at her when he found out what she was doing earlier. But before she could react, she heard a loud banging sound at the door. Julia hurried to the door and gazed through the peephole, seeing Vince outside. She opened the door and Vince practically collapsed in her arms as he stumbled inside. Julia helped him to his feet and over to the couch, as she returned to the door to close it. "Vince! What's going on?" Julia demanded. "Are you okay?" "No," Vince gasped. "I need you to help me." "Help you what?" "Help me destroy them," Vince said. "They're still alive." "Who, Vince?" Julia asked. "Who's still alive?" "Antonio and Zaliphyr..." Vince gasped. "It's just like what happened to Discourse, the version of me that kidnapped us in that abandoned church. Julia, I think...I thinking I'm turning into him." executive producer |
Written by: Ira Madison Episode #187 |