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![]() Desperate for a stable father figure in her life, when her favorite English teacher treated Alexis with kindness and respect, she developed a crush on him. Scribbling admissions of her love for Ryan Phillips in her diary became a coping mechanism for the young girl, and eventually her infatuation turned to obsession. Alexis was finally granted her wish when Ryan gave in to her advances and spent an entire weekend with her. But unfortunately for Alexis, Ryan was not in a normal state of mind when he initiated their lovemaking, and when he awoke on Monday morning, he was horrified by his actions. He threw Alexis out of his apartment and told her to stay away from him, but the damage was already done, and Alexis was not going to give up so easily. Meanwhile, the school guidance counselor Allison Gellar became suspicious of Alexis' erratic behavior when she and Vanessa Watson discovered Alexis' journal with her obsessive entries. Both teachers planned to confront Alexis about the journal, but Alexis was intercepted by another teacher, Ryan's girlfriend Samantha Clark. Samantha forced Alexis to admit to her obsession with Ryan, and when she suggested Alexis speak to someone to help sort out of her emotions, the two began to fight in a stairwell at the high school. Lashing out at Samantha, Alexis shoved her rival down the stairs, nearly killing the woman and putting her into a coma. From Episode #14, "Monday, Part Four" Alexis was able to cover up her involvement in Samantha's accident, but Ryan grew suspicious of Alexis and still wanted nothing to do with her. Desperation crept in, leading Alexis to try to kill Samantha by turning off her ventilator at the hospital. When Ryan caught Alexis, she distracted him by confessing that she was pregnant after their weekend together. But Alexis' "confession" was a lie, and when Ryan demanded proof, she stole a used pregnancy test from a trashcan at the hospital and used it to dupe Ryan. Though Alexis was still under investigation by the police, who questioned Alexis' involvement in Samantha's accident, suspicion eventually began to shift toward Ryan. With rumors of their hookup swirling around the high school, the police were convinced that both Alexis and Ryan were involved in Samantha's accident. In order to silence all rumors, Ryan badgered Alexis into getting an abortion. Alexis was unable to handle the weight of her own lies, and so she ultimately faked an abortion in order to end her pregnancy scheme. But in a cruel twist of fate, Alexis soon discovered that she actually was pregnant. She confessed her secret to Jessica, and while Jessica urged her friend to go to the police and have Ryan prosecuted, Alexis knew that Ryan already believed she'd terminated her pregnancy, so she decided to go through with an actual abortion. Alone at home with a fragile emotional state and recovering from the abortion, Alexis had a psychotic break and began to hear sounds of her lost child crying out for her. Alexis attempted to ease her pain by continuing to stalk Ryan, eventually following him to the Hanley mansion and discovering that Ryan and Michael Hanley were involved in a scheme to switch Vanessa Watson's paternity test results. Apparently Michael was the father of Vanessa's child, but Ryan switched the results in order to rope Vanessa into marrying him. They discovered Alexis sneaking around the mansion, but she escaped before she could be apprehended. From Episode #70, "Calvary" Meanwhile, Allison had begun to piece together Ryan and Alexis' lies and discovered the truth about Alexis' abortion. She ran into Alexis as she escaped the Hanley mansion and confronted her about her secrets. Alexis heard sounds of her child crying again and mistakenly believed that Allison was the reason her baby was dead. She knocked Alexis unconscious and held her prisoner in an abandoned church, torturing her within an inch of her life. When the police finally located Allison, a shootout occurred and Alexis fired a gun at Allison, seemingly killing her. Alexis pushed Allison's body into the sewer, where it was never recovered from. During the ordeal, a blow to the head put Alexis into a coma much like Samantha's. Only when Alexis awoke, she had no memory of sleeping with Ryan or anything following the event. Ryan, convinced Alexis was faking her amnesia to avoid murder charges, attacked the young girl in her hospital room. Vanessa overheard part of their conversation and finally began to suspect that Ryan had been lying to her for months. In an effort to discover Ryan's secrets, Vanessa asked Alexis to be the bridesmaid in her wedding and used every possible opportunity to help Alexis recover her memory. After Vanessa and Ryan were wed, Alexis' memory finally came rushing back to her with two problems Vanessa and Ryan had already departed for San Francisco on their honeymoon, and Alexis had only regained enough of her memory to believe that she was pregnant with Ryan's child. Alexis interrupted the honeymoon after Vanessa unexpectedly went into labor and gave birth to her son, Eamon. Finding the newlyweds at their hotel, Alexis revealed everything about her relationship with Ryan. Vanessa took Eamon and returned to Marquette Cove, where she had Ryan arrested for statutory rape. Alexis visited Ryan in prison and professed her love for him; but when he turned violent, Alexis' full memory returned and she went over the edge, believing that Vanessa's child was her own. Alexis kidnapped Eamon, killed her abusive father for attempting to stop her, and framed Ryan for the baby snatching. The police were finally able to connect Alexis to the crime and tracked her to the abandoned church where she'd held Allison hostage. Eamon was recovered and Ryan manipulated Alexis' psychotic break so he could make everyone believe Alexis made up their relationship. Alexis was committed to the psych ward at Memorial Hospital, but due to the fact that she knew about Michael and Ryan's paternity switch, Michael made sure that Alexis would never be released from her padded cell. From Episode #153, "Toxic" Since her imprisonment in the psych ward, details of Alexis' true biological mother were revealed when Melissa Maddock finally discovered that Alexis was her long lost child, kept from her for years by Victor Lopez. Melissa unfortunately passed away before she could tell her daughter the news, but when Melissa's brother Kyle returned to town after being presumed dead, he enacted a plan to destroy the lives of the people responsible for his sister's death. So far, that plan has involved several secret visits to Alexis in the psych ward... |