season five, episode one August 21, 2006 |
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FELICIA: Oh. No Melissa? Did you leave her leash at home? ROBERT: I'm choosing to ignore your childish remarks. NATHAN: Felicia, let's just sit down. There's no need to agitate your husband. ROBERT: Soon to be ex. FELICIA: Who's being childish now? Felicia takes her seat, as does Nathan. ROBERT: Where's Alec? FELICIA: I don't know, Robert. ROBERT: So you can't even keep track of your own son? NATHAN: I'd like to ask that you keep your own snide comments to a minimum, Mr. Bale. ROBERT: Who is this jerk? Is this the best you could do? Some prepubescent snot? You'd have had better luck being represented by your lousy half-brother, Michael. JUDGE: That's enough, Robert. This hearing is going to go off without any arguing from you two. And I mean it. ROBERT: I apologize, your honor. There is a knock at the door. Everyone turns to find Melissa Maddock in the doorway. MELISSA I'm sorry I'm late. I got caught in traffic. JUDGE: Thank you for joining us, Melissa. Can we get started? MELISSA Of course. And look who I found outside. Melissa steps aside, allowing Alec Bale to enter the room. FELICIA: Oh honey, I knew you'd show up. Are you here to testify in the hearing? ROBERT: Of course he is, Felicia. And it's obvious he's here to testify against you. ALEC: Look at you two, arguing like dogs waiting for table scraps. JUDGE: Alec, are you here to testify in the hearing? ALEC: No. ROBERT: What? ALEC: I only came here to say that I don't want to testify for either one of you. MELISSA Alec, honey, that's not what you told me outside. ALEC: Don't call me honey. I don't need condolences from a homewrecker. And as for my dear old mom and dad, you can both go to hell. Alec exits. Robert stands to follow him, but Melissa raises her hand to stop him. MELISSA Robert, don't. Judge Anderson, I'd like to request that we reschedule the hearing, at least until we can get Alec to testify.
JUDGE: Honestly, Ms. Maddock, I'm
failing to see a reason to continue at all. It's clear that your client
and his wife will be unable to come to any type of civilized agreement.
I'm afraid this divorce will be better handled in the confines of a
JULIA: Did you invite everyone in Chicago? VINCE: No. Just everyone in Marquette Cove. JULIA: Well, that's a relief, I guess. VINCE: All of my favorite people will be here. JULIA: None of the people on this list are your favorite anything. VINCE: My favorite people to make jump through hoops. Like Matt, who's technically only invited because this is his uncle's house, and Alec... JULIA: Haven't you two kissed and made up yet? VINCE: For stealing my girlfriend? JULIA: Your ex-girlfriend at the time. And currently. VINCE: Whatever. [Beat] I mean, I don't hate Alec or anything. But we're not planning any sleepovers. JULIA: At least you're trying. VINCE: All I'm trying to do is enjoy my 18th birthday. And I can tell you now, it's going to be memorable. JULIA: I wasn't expecting anything else, Vince. But I should get going, I'm meeting Akilah before the party. VINCE: How is my sister? JULIA: She'd be better if her brother tried visiting home once in a while. VINCE: I like living the high life in the Hanley mansion, especially after all of the pain the Hanleys have caused my family. And besides, I'd never be here in the first place if everyone hadn't let themselves get snowed by my uncle Derek. JULIA: Vince -
VINCE: Julia, he killed my father and tried to kill my mother too! And when I suspected him of not being on the up and up, nobody believed me. And I'm not going to forget that.
BLAKE: How are you doing? KELLI: I'm feeling better, thanks. BLAKE: That's good to hear. KELLI: Good enough to go to Vince's birthday party, at least. BLAKE: What? That's out of the question. KELLI: Excuse me? BLAKE: Out of the...out of the...don't hit me. KELLI: [Laughs] I should. But I won't, as long as you promise never to tell me what to do again. BLAKE: Scout's honor. KELLI: So. I'm going to the party. Alone. As per usual, because you've got a hot date. BLAKE: It is not a date. Darren and I are just friends. Besides, I don't even know if he's gay or not. KELLI: He has to be. Why else would he be going on a date with you? BLAKE: It's not a date. And I haven't told him that I'm gay yet either. Or anyone, actually. Except for the myriad of people that know about my relationship with the star quarterback of the Marquette Cove High School football team. KELLI: Not so much fun having everyone in your business. BLAKE: I should know. My life has been front page business since my brother died of cancer. And then my parents died. And then I was framed for murdering Damon Johnson. And then that time I ran over a paparazzo's foot... KELLI: Yeah, you and cars just don't mix. BLAKE: I know, right? Chris Server enters the coffee shop, heading toward the counter. Kelli notices him. KELLI: Let's get out of here. We need to get dressed. BLAKE: Yeah, sure. Blake and Kelli stand. BLAKE: I'm glad I finally moved all my stuff from my house to yours. KELLI: Not that things aren't cramped with my brother living back home again, but it's still good having you around. BLAKE: And it's good to be around. Or whatever. Let me grab another ice latte before I go, that small I had wasn't enough to - Chris. Blake sees Chris in the line. Chris turns around, meeting his gaze. BLAKE: Never mind. Blake exits. CHRIS: Kelli... KELLI: Save it, Chris. Just save it.
Kelli exits.
DARREN: Hey Sara. What's up? SARA: Nothing, just came by to see my big brother. DARREN: I could always tell when you were lying. You came by to spy on the divorce hearing, didn't you? SARA: Well...maybe. It's just not right, Darren. Felicia and Robert shouldn't be ending a twenty year marriage. DARREN: Yeah, because if our parents can survive everything they've been through, Aunt Felicia and Uncle Robert should be able too. [Beat] And while we're on the subject on dysfunctional couples, we need to have a conversation. SARA: About what? DARREN: About Ricard Branch. SARA: What about Ric? DARREN: I don't think you should be seeing him. SARA: I can't believe this. You've been home less than a year, and already you're listening to Alec's conspiracy theories. Come on, Darren, Alec is the one who thought the mailman was trying to poison his dog. DARREN: But he was right about that. [Beat] Granted, it was the substitute mailman, but it was still an employee of the United States Postal Service. SARA: I'm not joking, Darren. Alec has been calling Ric every name under the sun for a year now, and I'm sick of it. He is the only person I've been able to rely on since Erin died. DARREN: You have me. SARA: You weren't even here. DARREN: He's a drug dealer. Former or current, whatever. He's not the type of guy I want my little sister hanging around. SARA: You know, I saw you talking to Blake Thomas the other day. Aren't you two are going to Vince's birthday party tonight? DARREN: So? I'm not allowed to make new friends in town? Most of my old friends don't even live here anymore. SARA: All I'm saying is, the person with a friend who's gone to jail for murder shouldn't be throwing stones. DARREN: What? Blake went to jail for murder? Alec enters. ALEC: The charges were dropped. Some guy who worked for Ric's boss - you know, the drug dealer - planted evidence and tried to have Blake put in jail. Just another little tidbit about the company you keep, Sara. SARA: Both of you need to mind your own business. Because right now, if I had to choose, I'd pick Ric over both of you.
Sara exits.
MATT: [Singing] Everybody knows, I'm in over my head, over my head... Simon Holden enters. SIMON: Matt. Matthew! Simon removes the headphones from Matt's ears. MATT: Huh? Oh! Dad. What's up? SIMON: You're not dressed for your friend's birthday party. MATT: Who cares? Why do you? SIMON: I received an invitation. I think Michael is turning it into one of his own parties as well. MATT: Boy, sign me right up. SIMON: Matt, stop being rude. MATT: What? I'm not being rude. I'm the only one displaying any common sense here. Like, for instance, don't go to parties thrown by people you hate. SIMON: I don't hate your uncle. Or Vincent. MATT: That's a pity. SIMON: You're always so negative. Nothing is ever positive with you. Sometimes I wonder if you were switched at birth. I was never like this at your age. MATT: Dad - SIMON: Of course, your mother was. MATT: So, I finally got to see The Devil Wears Prada last weekend. Not to segue or anything... SIMON: Matthew. MATT: Sorry, I won't start. But you have to admit, things have been pretty good this past week with mom in Rome. SIMON: I miss your mother. MATT: Yeah. You would. But hey, as long as she's gone, why don't we skip the party and play Grand Theft Auto or something. The front door opens, and Valerie Hanley-Holden enters, carrying several shopping bags. VALERIE: Where are my two favorite boys? Valerie sets down her bags and kisses Simon. VALERIE: [To Matt] Hi honey. Valerie moves to the couch and kisses Matt. Simon laughs and sits down, smiling at his wife and son.
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Ira Madison Episode #191 |